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12 years, 9 months ago Comments Off on Seeking a better perspective

A dozen years ago I saw a film that was life changing for my photography. Fly Away Home was the story of father and daughter who drew closer together as they attempted, and succeeded in teaching some geese to migrate by following their ultralight airplanes south. The aerial footage was spectacular and it gave me a deep hunger to spread my wings and shoot from up there, 500 feet above the earth. A dozen years have past and this new perspective changed me as a visual artist. Seeing things from a fresh perspective often leads to wonderful images. I’ve illustrated this entry with some of the images that have resulted from that new photographic perspective. I’m sure you knew, and were expecting that this was about a lot more than photographs, and you would be right.

Perspective: 2 a particular attitude
toward or way of regarding some-
thing; a point of view : most guidebook
history is written from the editor’s perspective.

a true understanding of the relative
importance of things; a sense of
proportion : we must keep a sense of
perspective about what he’s done.

What a deep concept, “a true under-
standing of the relative importance
of things.”

How often we find ourselves in
trouble because we’ve lost the
relative importance of things. When
I was a young man, I wanted so
badly to be a “successful” photo-
grapher. The problem was my
definition of success at the time was
flawed. I thought success was to
have such undeniable talent that
it would lead to fame and fortune.
Forty years later I know that joy
and peace do not come from
fame and fortune. All you have
to do is read the daily newspaper
to see how many “quote, successful
people” have lives that are a mess.
Peace comes from real security
and joy comes from the genuine
knowledge that you are unconditionally loved and accepted. The world cannot give you either of those. Only your Heavenly Father knows your needs, your insecurities, and can give you the solution to all that is going on in your life; His love and forgiveness. When I’m up in my ultralight, floating above the world, I get the detached perspective of God, looking down and seeing things more clearly. When you fly above the earth, you can clearly see the perspective of how one geographic feature relates to another, distance is compacted, and the relative nature of space is much easier to perceive. I’m sure God’s vision of our lives goes far wider and deeper than my superficial “observation” from an airplane, but my temporary broadened vision gives me a little perspective into His vision of us. His vision is all encompassing, and fully understanding.

Is your vision of your life limited, do you fear what is coming next? Do you feel boxed into a life that seems to offer no alternatives? My friend, you are in need of a fresh perspective. It’s time to go flying with God. He wants you to strap in, and let your spirit soar with Him. The same feeling that I feel of freedom and release when my wheels leave the ground can be felt deep in your spirit when you let go of this life and all it’s cares, and place them in your loving Heavenly Father’s hands. Let Him open up your eyes and heart to His glorious perspective. I promise, it’s a thrill like you’ve never experienced……..

I wish you gentle tail winds & His love,

the pilgrim

*Photo Note: Images taken with Nikon D3 and D700 bodies, 24-70 AF-S f 2.8 lens.

12 years, 9 months ago Comments Off on the benefit of blogging……..

The blog produces a lot of interesting results, one is
the great opportunity to meet new people. A few
weeks ago I got an email from a pastor in Northern
Kentucky, D.G. Hollums, who had happened upon
my blog and he had some kind words to say. He
also suggested that sense we only lived a couple of
hours apart he would love to visit with me. I usually
am traveling so much that this kind of thing is not
possible, but since I was going to be in the office
more than out I felt led to say, sure. I’m so glad I
did, this is one fine young man and a new great
brother in Christ. We had a great morning talking
about photography, computers, (he is currently
working as a certified Apple trainer), and of course
a lot of time about spiritual matters. D.G. is truly
devoted servant and a friendship formed around
our love for Christ almost immediately. During the
morning of my helping him with Nikon questions
and him helping me with Apple program training
I found out that he is also a very talented Black & White photographer, as evidenced by his work displayed here.

The most amazing and fulfilling thing about our visit was that God has both he and I, and several other friends on a path that is very close. All of us have ministries to groups of people, and the way in which the ministry is being delivered, and blessed by God was amazingly similar. Not really so surprising when you consider that it was very likely Him, (Our Heavenly Father), that set this meeting up in the first place. When you are committed to serve Him, He will place you, and others in the right place, at the right time, to support one another, and fulfill His mission. You will be hearing more about D.G in the future, I am sure God has big plans for Him. I’m sure glad to welcome him into my spiritual family.

Thank you Father for a very blessed morning and the start of new friendship with another of your children.


the pilgrim

Loved this last one, a close-up of pine cone, really cool.
Thanks D.G. for sharing……

12 years, 9 months ago Comments Off on is this still america?

I got up this morning and turned on the TV and watched the morning news while I got my day started. Actually, the very first thing I did was read the morning devotional and prayed with Sherelene while she was getting ready for work. So, I’m watching the morning news show and these were the lead stories;

1. Politicians of both stripes were still arguing over how to solve our debt crisis. It is more than obvious that everyone involved is really worried, not about our country, or our economy, but about staying in power themselves. Makes me sick to my stomach.
2. The National Atheists Organization (whoever they are?) are protesting the placing of a cross made with steel from the twin towers at the site of 9/11.
3. Another group, (we have two many “groups”), was protesting the bringing of loud and unruly children into public places and “disturbing them”.
4. A politician is asking the IRS to take away the tax exempt status of an organization that hides behind that label to do character assassinations on candidates from the opposite party from theirs.
5. The Veterans administration is still denying the use of the words, “God” or “Jesus” at military funeral on federal property.
6. Economic markets fear downgrading for U.S. credit rating, bad reaction could come from the market and Fed interests rates, in and already shaky economy.

Fight, fight, fight, – argue, argue, argue, – lie, lie, lie, steal, steal, steal. Demand “my” rights,
deny yours. Take from the rich to give to the poor. Blame America for all the troubles in the world. I’m sick of it.

Here is my problem, what can I do? I’m just one person. I’ve had a life plan and it seems to work on a intimate level with those I come in contact with.

A. Love God with all my heart.
B. Treat others with the same love and respect He has given to me.
C. Try my very best to have character and integrity, to be honest, and treat others with
A. Allow others to be who they are, who they want to be, and allow them their own freedom.
B. Study the issues of the day, and cast my one vote for the persons that I believe will uphold
what I believe what was planned for our country from the beginning.

Frankly, I don’t like what I fear is coming. Our nation is in deep, deep debt. Even if we make wise decisions on how to fix the problem, which we seem to be unwilling to do, I’m not sure it can be fixed. Our nation has turned it’s back on God. Not everyone, but a significant number of people are walking away from, or refusing to acknowledge God in their lives. Nationwide church attendance is dropping at an alarming rate. Half of American citizens pay virtually all the bills and care for the other half of Americans. This is not sustainable.

We could see a collapse of what we once called America. What can we do?

As for me, I’m trusting God, turning to Him instead of walking away, saving instead of spending, making careful plans instead of acting as if none of this is happening. I’m praying for my country, my fellow citizens, and I’m trying to reach as many people as I can with the gospel. I’m trying to prepare my heart, mind, and spirit for the potential calamity that lies ahead. I’m constantly
reminding myself that, God is in control. Nothing can happen without Him allowing it. I pray that those in power turn from their ways and back to Him. I hope you are praying for your leaders, your friends, and family, and our country.

I’m sorry for sending out this warning call, I wish I didn’t believe it to be necessary.

the pilgrim

*Photo Note: D7000 and 24-120 AF-S VR

12 years, 9 months ago Comments Off on We’re broken……….

I figured that would get your attention. Sad looking, don’t you think? The lens was given to me by a friend that thought I could find something useful to do with it, 20 years ago. I finally did. This lens is really broken, the front element is smashed, the internal focusing and zooming racing’s are jammed, it’s pretty much useless. I hate to tell you this, but spiritually, that describes many of us.
We are broken on the inside. Without the Lord we roam around aimlessly, being attracted to anything that glitters. We stumble into danger, and find ourselves involved in activities that most certainly would bring destruction to us. Whatever struck this lens did so with sudden and unyielding impact. That is the same way the enemy attacks us. His sole purpose is to destroy us, and keep us as far away from Jesus, as possible.

As I share my faith in Jesus Christ with others, the people I find the hardest to reach are those that, “seemingly” have everything. They have material possessions, live in nice homes, have
attractive families, good professions, and they may even be admired in their communities. What you can’t see from the surface, is the emptiness. When getting everything you ever wanted still doesn’t give you a sense of satisfaction, something is wrong. What’s wrong is that your trying to fill up your life with the wrong things. I remember early in my photography career an incidence that provided a strong message to me. As a high school teacher, just having gotten bitten by the photography bug, I longed for a Nikon F. At the time the Nikon F was the end all, be all for a photographer. I saved and saved, worked extra jobs, and finally saved up the $300. (yep, back then that’s what the top pro film SLR cost), anyway, I finally scrapped it together and ordered my first Nikon pro body, I even got the black one. A few days later it arrived and I tore the box open and held my coveted prize in my hands. I remember after a few hours the stark reality that it was just a camera. It was great camera, and I took a lot of memorable images with it, but it did not fill the empty space in me.

All of us are empty at the center of our being and the hole is the shape of God. Nothing else will fill us, satisfy us, sustain us. You can look high and low, far and wide, but nothing brings the joy and peace that He does. I once told a dear friend who was running from Jesus, that he could run for as long as he wanted, but he would still end up in the same place, on his knees before the Son of God. Eventually He did, and now He is in the very presence of the Master, Himself. I thank Jesus, every day, that my friend did not die lost.

My lens could possibly be repaired if parts could be found. It would be a major undertaking, and even after all the work, it might not ever be like new again. The brokenness that we face, can not
be repaired either, it can only be made, truly New. Jesus didn’t say, follow me and I will make things better, He said, “I will make you a new creature.” We all have a choice to make, we can remain as we are, broken, lost and without any hope, or we can ask Jesus into our hearts and ask Him to make us “truly new.” I have many regrets about my life, but turning to Jesus is not one of them, it was the best decision of my life.

Am I right? If you are filled with doubt, there is only one way to find out, the next step is yours.

Allow Him to bless you,

the pilgrim

Break Through (from the Promise Keepers)

Break through, break through all my doubts,
Break through, break through all my fears,
Break through so that I may worship You.

Oh, break through, break through all my pain,
Break through, all my guilt and my shame,
Break through like only you can do.

You are brighter than my darkest night,
Stronger than my toughest fight,
Just touch one touch from you my King my Friend,
and I’ll never be the same again, break through…….

*Photo Note: Nikon Coolpix P300.