Daily Archives: September 3, 2012

11 years, 7 months ago 20

First let me say I’m overwhelmed by the response to the last “Why Bother” blog post.  When Scott Kelby recommends a post, it sure gets a lot of attention!  Thanks Scott.  Even more overwhelming for me was your responses, many kind words, and a lot of insight delivered to me as well, thank you very much!  Several of you asked if I would expand on the original thoughts, and I would be glad to try!


Some thoughts on being the best.  We are a winner society, we love the Super Bowl winners, the World Series winners, the Nobel Peace Prize winners and on and on, and we seldom remember who came in second!  There is no hope of remembering number 3 through 10!  The problem with being number one is you don’t get to occupy that position for very long, in sports, next year a new champion is crowned.  In photography if today you were considered the best photographer in the world, in 15 minutes you would fall from the top spot.  So, why bother making that your goal?  Why not work hard, and get better everyday, and if you get your 15 minutes of fame, great,  if not, enjoy the ride. Let me dig a little deeper.  I use to want to be the very best, but not because of my love of the craft, but because of my lack of love for myself.  I thought, erroneously, that if I was considered the best photographer it would give my life value.  I was wrong, badly wrong!  Many other, much more important things, are what gives my life meaning and value, the most important of which is that Christ died for me!


Some thoughts on how to get better, but not beat yourself up.  Learning is a process, that has fits and starts.  Some days you shoot like a pro, somedays you can’t seem to get a thing right.  That is common for all of us.  Maybe with years of experience the bad moments lessen somewhat, but everyone has an off day every once in a while.  Having an off day is not the problem, the problem is how do you deal with when you do??!!  First recognize that you are in a slump.  Ask yourself what seems to be wrong, often with close examination, you will find that your mind is on other things and your photographic vision is being clouded by the cares of the world.  Years ago when I took people to exotic locations like Africa and Galapagos Islands, I would ask them, on the first day, to put their watch in there luggage, and leave it there.  I wanted to emphasize that the next week or two were about the best light, and seeing photographs, schedules meant nothing.  If you want to paint a wonderful painting, start with a fresh, and empty canvas!


Some thoughts on the time table of learning.  We all learn at different rates, it is not a matter of our talent level, but our pace in life.  Some people get really good, very fast, others take years to mature as a shooter.   One thing is for sure, becoming a really good photographer is not an overnight affair.  I’ve always believed that steady improvement is the best route, it gives you more time at each level to cement your progress and make the new habits a solid part of how your approach  photography. Building skill level in photography is like building a house, the foundation is critical and then each succeeding addition must be done properly and be tested for strength, only then can you start to put a roof on it and seal it up!  Good building takes time, and your development as a photographer will too!  Be patient and  have fun!


Some thoughts on using your photography for some good purpose.  You will get a great deal more out of photography if you have a purpose in your work.  Letting people see how precious God’s gift of nature is to us.  Showing people the problems in the world that need to be addressed.  Helping people understand the human condition.  Sharing the joy of beauty in the world.  For me it is a way to reach out to others, and share my faith in God.  Good work is always improved when it has purpose!


Some thoughts on giving yourself permission to fail.  We all slip and fall, but the most imporatnt question is, do we get up and try again or lay on the ground weeping.  There is no crying in photography! (I couldn’t help myself, and sorry about that, to Tom Hanks!)


Let me end by sharing one of the greatest benefits of photography for me.  If tomorrow I was to awake blind, I have already seen and experienced more than most people because, as a photographer, I have been trained to see and observe, really see the world around me, and I’ve taken it all in, and seen so much it has brought the greatest joy to my life.  Even if blind, I could remember all those glorious moments of light, shape, pattern, lines and form!  Thank you Father for this wonderful gift!  My prayer for you is that your photography will enhance your life too!


In Him,


the pilgrim