Daily Archives: June 23, 2013

10 years, 10 months ago 2


I will be on airplanes all day Monday so here is the entry!  Our last morning in Saratoga. CA, it was very overcast, which, for me, was an answer to prayer, I’ve seen nothing but deep blue skies for days, and frankly was sick of them, this morning, thankfully we had great light for close-ups!!!  The Oaks Lodge had beautiful plants all around the property so I spent my last morning enjoying some micro work with my buddies!


Hope you had a great weekend, I’ll be back Tuesday!




the pilgrim



10 years, 10 months ago 6


The Bio Comm group made a trip to Santa Cruz on Saturday to see the Woodies on the Wharf Festival at the Santa Cruz Wharf.  You know how much I love cars, from rusted ones at Old Car City, to these wonderfully restored Woodies!  It was a great afternoon looking at some really hard work by some fine car restorers!  We had a great time, as we always do, and I hope you enjoy these classics.  The light was less than perfect, but the Woodies were!



It was a thrill to see all these great restorations!




the pilgrim