Monthly Archives: November 2014

9 years, 4 months ago 9


Friday, December 5th I will release the new Fuji User’s Guide and few days later the Guide to Americana Photography  book!  The Fuji X-System Users’s Guide will be over 160 pages and contain over 250 illustrations and photographs!  Above is an illustration of one of the pages showing how to find and use alternate lens hoods!  The book is a true user’s guide with countless tips, recommendations, and examples of work done with the Fuji X-System family of cameras.  Reviews of lenses, buying recommendations, how to build a system, and how to carry it all, and much more!



In addition to all this information we will have a number of guest Fuji shooters that are making great images with this great system, like my friend Jack Graham and many others!




I will spend the Thanksgiving Weekend with the family and steal away time to be finishing both books!  Check the website Monday for more info!


Happy Thanksgiving and Blessings,.


the pilgrim


9 years, 4 months ago 5

Before you sit down Thursday to have lots of wonderful food, take a moment to consider what  you are thankful for.  My list is very long indeed!  For today I want to mention some people that have made my life better than I could have ever hoped for.  Sherelene, my wife, partner, best friend and the love of my life!  The family we’ve had together.  Our extended families, and the photography family like Jim Begley, Jack Graham, Jim Haverstock, John Barrett, and the list goes on and on.  I’m thankful for health, for vision, for the exciting things I have to look forward to.  Most of all I am thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who sent His Son for me, and changed my life forever. Thank you Father.


Happy Thanksgiving,


the pilgrim

9 years, 5 months ago 6

A number of years ago, actually many years ago, while visiting my parents during the holidays, after way too much food I slipped off to take a nap and got interested in the 1951 version of A Christmas Carol, that was just starting on the TV.  I became engrossed in it, and of course had seen the story many times before, but on this occasion I think I really understood it for the first time.  In the last scenes when Scrooge said he was ready for change, I realized it was time.  I picked up a copy of the book so I could make a framed print of the most important words to me, from the scene with Marley’s ghost.  It set on my office desk for years and I read it almost everyday, I now know it by heart.  It was what caused a major change in my life.  Please allow me to share it with you now;


Marley’s ghost:  Oh man of the worldly mind do you believe in me or not!?


Scrooge:  I  do, I do, I do, I must, but why do you walk the earth and why do come to me?


Marley’s ghost:  It is required of every man that spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow man, if it goes not in life it is condemned to do so after death doomed to wander through the world,  shriek, oh woe is me…..and witness what it cannot share, but might have shared on earth and turned to happiness.


Scrooge:  Why are you fettered?


Marley’s ghost:  I where the chain I forged in life, I made it link by link, and yard by yard, I girded it of my own free will and of my own free will I wore it.


I decided on that day that I didn’t want that chain pulling me down.  It was a time of great change, the first real Christmas of my life, I still watch A Christmas Carol, a number of versions.  It is a constant reminder to me of the day I desired and made a change….


As you prepare for Thanksgiving, I pray you find the change you desire in your life!




the pilgrim








9 years, 5 months ago 6


Ho, Ho Ho, I know you’ve been good boys and girls, and I will be delivering some Christmas treats early.  In December, probably the first week!   I will be releasing two new books; The Fuji X-System User’s Guide and Americana Photography,  A Step by Step Guide!


The Fuji X-System User’s Guide is almost finished, just doing the finishing touches and waiting for a few last photographers featured to send in their work!  It will be around 130 pages of all kinds of info of interest to the serious Fuji user, or anyone thinking about joining the family!  It’s been a lot of fun putting it together and I’m excited to get it out there.


The second book is devoted to the exciting new world of Americana Photography.  In that book we will cover what Americana photography is, why it has become so popular, what gear is best, and images from a number of great Americana locations around the country and tips on how to find your own treasure trove of Americana subjects and sights.



The Americana Book will have contact information for some of the premier spots to shoot Americana subject matter!  It will be packed with lots of images with all the technical information about how the shot was planned, and executed!  Once again the work will have a portfolio section for great work from other Americana Photographers too!  Each book will be priced at $9.95.  Be sure and watch for Christmas Specials at the Bookstore in December!


One last surprise, Jack Graham (another Fuji X-System User), and I will be teaching s Fuji X-System workshop next year (2015), date and location to be announced very soon!!!!


Stay tuned for the announcement of the release of both books and the new workshop!




the pilgrim