Daily Archives: April 15, 2015

9 years ago 17



Well, while I love that movie title, I’m actually lost in the Spring rush of workshops!  One after another in rapid fire!  I start another with Jim Begley tonight in the Smokies, but first some way over due thank you’s!  To Richard Brown who shared this great image of our buddy Mike Roberts, (I will send this to you Mike!!!)  A great image that captures the joy and magnitude of being in the field, having great fellowship and fun!!!!!


To Kent Irvin for his tireless efforts that made the Memory Lane workshop such a hit!!!  To Rod Gemayel for being such and incredible host at the Allendale Mansion!  An overwhelming thank you to Otis Eldridge for allowing us to enjoy his incredible Memory Lane!!!!!!!   Thanks in advance to Fred Sisson for agreeing to join me in Roanoke in a couple of weeks for an epic “Transportation – Americana” workshop!!!!  We are going to have a blast!


Thanks to the fantastic folks of the Nelson Workshops, the Arches Workshop, the Memory Lane Workshop, and I can’t wait to have a blast with the Smokies folks starting tonight!


Please send up a prayer for my dear friend Jack Graham who is having detached retina surgery this afternoon, I pray his incredible photographic vision will continue unabated!!!!  Teaching with Jack over the last few years has added great joy to my life as a photographer!  He is the consummate professional, and I learn from him every trip out!!  Thanks Jack, for asking me to be part of your workshops and life!


To Jim Begley, what a wonderful journey we are on, serving our Father in Heaven, and spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ as we shoot, teach and laugh our way across America!!  It just gets better and better, my friend!


Lastly, but most importantly,  to my Heavenly Father;  ” How could I ever say thank you enough, be thankful enough, be more humbled,  knowing I am your friend, that you love me so much, and you have blessed me with this incredible life of family, friends and photography!  The Highest Praises to my Father in Heaven, His Son, Jesus and the Holy Spirit!  Amen!”




the pilgrim