Daily Archives: May 13, 2015

8 years, 11 months ago 26






A recent Pew poll reveals that Christianity is on the decline.  78.4% of Americans considered themselves Christians in 2007, it’s down to 70.6% in 2014.  Members of the Jewish faith grew from 1.7% to 1.9% and Muslims in America increased from 0.4% to 0.9%.  The biggest swing was that now, the unaffiliated category (atheists, agnostics, and uninterested) has grown by 50% from 16.1% in 2007 to 22.8% in 2014.  So what can we do to reverse this trend?


I think our only solution is to take a clue from Jesus.  He came to earth as a man, He loved people with a love like they had never known, an unconditional love.  He forgave others, He met their needs, He genuinely cared about them.  Nothing will affect the hearts of man, more than showing them the kind of love Jesus showed.  It is our only hope!





Every year the French have a 4 day  celebration in Normandy complete with American uniforms, tanks, jeeps and  guns. They still honor the Americans who died there….
June 6, 2015, the 71st anniversary of “D-Day”, the largest invasion ever attempted, where 200,000 Americans stormed the beaches at Normandy to begin the final push to defeat Nazi Germany in WWII.D-Day marked the turning point in WWII in Europe… Today, European heads of state make it a point to recall and honor the sacrifices  of those who landed in Normandy, as do our Presidents…. well, most of  them….

In the 69 years since D-Day, there are four occasions when the President of the United States chose not to visit the D-Day Monument that honors the soldiers killed during the Invasion.

The occasions were:

1. Barack Obama, 2010
2. Barack Obama, 2011
3. Barack Obama, 2012
4. Barack Obama, 2013

For the past 69 years, every American President except Obama have taken the time to honor the memory and sacrifices of the 6,000 American soldiers killed on D-Day. …Except Obama!June 6 2010, Obama had no events scheduled.

June 6, 2011, Obama met with the National Security team and was interviewed by WEWS Cleveland and WDIV in Detroit  about the auto industry – FAR too busy to visit the D-Day memorial.

June 6, 2012, instead of honoring our fallen soldiers, Obama made a campaign trip to California on Air Force 1 (at our expense) to raise funds for (his) upcoming election.

June 6, 2013, Obama was doing ANOTHER fund raiser with the multimillionaires in the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee in Palo Alto, CA, once again at our expense.

America – Aren’t you proud?

Four times in 69 years!!  Disgraceful………





The book Clinton Cash has caused a fire storm of reaction among many Americans, yet the main stream media, (NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNB and the rest),  have not reported hardly anything about this out and out scandal.   Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill have collected billions of dollars for charitable causes, but less than 10% has gone to any worth causes.  While Bill and Hillary live lavish life styles and have cut deals with many foreign governments, using their influence to repay the donor nations.  Much of their activities would land you or I in prison, they dance merrily along!  What a shame that we can no longer trust the media to find out the truth, and report it!!!!!!  Oh, and Hillary has just said we are going to have to get over our  “religious and cultural beliefs” so she can push forward her left leaning agenda!?^%$@!$#^!&*     Not on my watch!





It was revealed yesterday that the NFL teams have been charging the military for the display of patriotism at the beginning of games to the tune of millions!  On the same day the commissioner came down hard on Tom Brady for “maybe” being involved in reducing the air level in balls by 2 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!  GIVE ME A BREAK!  When are we going g to start acting like adults!  Can we possibly get our priorities straight!  Why don’t we fine those team owners that charged the U.S. Military for showing patriotism!!!  Talk about damage to the shield………





At the same time policeman are being disrespected and gunned down in the streets, officer Michael Keane risked his life to help save numerous people from the tragic Amtrak train crash near Philadelphia this morning.   I for one would like to thank the police, the sheriff’s departments, the state troopers, the firemen, the first responders, and the member of our military for all they sacrifice for us!!  I’m sorry for the actions of my fellow citizens, but I’ve got your back!  God bless you and God Bless America, even if she is turning away from you, a price will be paid for our national state.  Please pray for America.


We have much work to do.




the pilgrim