Daily Archives: October 6, 2015

8 years, 6 months ago 2



Here’s looking at you!  I spoke to the Halifax Camera Club tonight, what a nice group of people, thanks my new friends for a warm welcome to Nova Scotia.  We finished up in the PEI today and found a few interesting things, not the least of which was a juvenile red fox that was very habituated to humans!  I suspect he has been getting free meals from the tourists at our last lighthouse stop!  He posed for half band hour!!!  We also found a unique tree decorated with lobster floats, the two shots below came from that road side stop!



At the lighthouse I found a bright red dingy and that was worth a stop!



The lighthouse was in pretty harsh light. but was the only round, wooden lighthouse on Prince Edward Island so you got to try anyway!




We start our Nova Scotia Tour in the morning, I’ll keep you posted!




the pilgrim