Daily Archives: September 26, 2016

7 years, 6 months ago 1



The image above reminds me of how incredible a life of photography has been for me. This image may not resonate with you, and that is fine, the point is……  it resonated for me. Photography is a craft, but it is much more than that, it is a life.  You have all been where I was when I looked down and saw this rope, the boats bow and the reflection in the water.  I was stunned by the simplicity and the poetry of the lines and the textue and that is it!!!  For me,  photography is about all those things, line, form, texture, color and composition, it’s alive.


Photography will only speak to you when you speak to it!  Live it, breathe it, and embrace it!  The rewards are unfathonable!  Enjoy your journey!




the pilgrim