I Can Only Imagine…..

9 years, 6 months ago 8


I was sitting on the couch last night thinking about the loss of Scott Hughes, feeling sad for us, and happy for him.  Sad for us because he was great friend to fly with, and happy for him because all the pain is over, and he is soaring all the time now!


I was playing some contemporary Christian music I like on the iPad, lost in thought.  Then a song came on that hit me like a ton of bricks, one I love, but brought all my feelings together at once.  Wynonna Judd belted out “I Can Only Imagine”!


I can only imagine,  it’ll be like, when I walk, by your side

I can only imagine, what my eyes will see, when Your face is before me.

I can only imagine……..

Surrounded by Your glory what will my heart feel

Will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still

Will stand in your presence or to my knees will I fall

Will I sing Halleluiah will I be able to speak at all….  I can only imagine

I can only imagine…….


As I wept uncontrollably all I could see was a picture of my son Wesley when he was just a little boy with his arms outstretched as far as he could reach.  I went to my computer, still weeping, and found that image, and stared at it for the longest time. I used to ask him how much do you love me?, and his answer was to stare at me and thrust his arms further than I thought he could reach.  In that moment looking at him on the computer screen I felt just how much God loves us! His Son stretched his arms out and allowed Himself to be nailed to a cross for me, and you.


Wesley knew how to show his father just how much he loved him, as far as he could stretch his little arms.   If our own family can love us so much, I can only imagine, how much He loves us!  As I write this blog entry, if it was the last thing I ever wrote, the last time I could ever leave a message for anyone, I would beg and plead that you accept that unimaginable love.


If you haven’t, you can only imagine what it’s like to be love that way!




the pilgrim



8 Responses

  1. Doug Haines says:

    sorry for your loss Bill, obvious he meant a lot to you. Love that song!

  2. Bill Fortney says:

    Thanks Doug, he was a good guy.

  3. Joshua Boldt says:

    Condolences to his friends and family.

  4. Jeff Howe says:

    The very same song came on the radio today as I drove to attend a memorial service for a 16 year old boy tragically killed this past weekend. Having read your blog yesterday, I listened to the lyrics more intensely and it provided more comfort than usual. Thank you for your blog.

  5. Jim Erickson says:

    The thing that makes it such a great song is that it speaks directly to the very core of our being. It speaks truth and, truth always resonates at such a deep level that even unbelievers are moved to examine their life. Both the follower and non follower know in their heart the reality of God. The only difference in the two is one submits to the knowledge and the other rebels. Father, forgive my rebellious moments and let me live in your reality both now and the times coming that I can only imagine.

  6. Bill Fortney says:

    Beautifully said Jim!