The Five keys to walking with Christ

13 years, 8 months ago Comments Off on The Five keys to walking with Christ

My pastor Tim Thompson gave a great sermon yesterday and shared these five principles of a relationship with Christ. They are comforting and empowering. This is a good way to start a week,
leaning on the truth of His Word.

1. Every Human being has worth and dignity in God’s eyes.
2. Every soul is worth saving.
3. God’s grace and salvation comes to everyone who believers in Jesus Christ.
4. Being a Christian means a life of being changed into the likeness of Christ.
5. The power of God to change us comes through the Holy Spirit.

Why would I care whether or not anyone else gets it? After all, I’ve already accepted Christ and He is making my all the difference in my life. When you accept Jesus and ask Him to indwell your life, you begin to have the mind of Christ. You have His love for others and His desire for others to come to Him. In fact, it becomes the most important thing in your life. You can’t help but reach out to others in His name.

Do I think I’m better than others because I’ve got Him in my life? No, I’m a sinner like everyone else, the only difference is I’ve accepted His forgiveness. That is the great lie the enemy tells those that have not accepted Him, those Christians think there better than you! Nope, not true, we just have seen the light and accepted it. Sin is another misunderstood word, those that do not believe see it as a negative slanderous term used to look down on those that have made mistakes in there lives. Once again that is the lie. Sin is when we fall short of what God had planned for our lives.
God would not have us steal, cheat, lie, or kill. He would not have us be jealous, envious, angry, and hate filled. Yet, we do those things and when we do we have sinned against God.

Thankfully there is a plan, and it’s spelled out steps one through five above. Read it again and think about how perfect God’s plan is.

the pilgrim

*Photo note: Crescent Lake in Olympic National Park, believe it or not this is a color image,
but the light was so stark it appears as a Black & White image.

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