Unexpected surprises………..

13 years, 9 months ago Comments Off on Unexpected surprises………..

I think I shared with you several weeks ago about an assignment I had from Nikon to shoot images for our catalogs and website with several lenses I had not used very much. One such lens was the 18-55 VR lens that comes as the kit lens with several of our less expensive DSLRs models. The image above was from that lens and I was shocked at the quality of the lens.

For some time now, when I’m fortunate enough to be home for a few days I’ve been offering digital photography classes in my community. Most of the folks that attend are aspiring amateurs with varying levels of skills, but most beginners to intermediate. There is no shame in that, we all were there in the beginning of our photographic quests. As with the kit lens I did not have any expectations that I would meet someone in those classes that I would come to look up to as a shooter. Well, my incredible ability to ability to know about such matters was shown lacking again! Early on, a very nice man came over and asked if I would look at some of his work he had printed. I sat down, which was a good thing, because if I had remained standing I might have fallen down. This work was fresh and original and really well done. The man was Jim Begley.
You’ve probably seen a lot of comments on this blog from Jim, yes, the it’s same man. Jim now is my co-teacher in the community classes.

Jim Begley has now become a really good friend and continues to inspire me photographically
and spiritually. I think so much of Jim, that I’ve invited him to be on the teaching team for the Moab event in October with Scott Kelby. Jim is not only a great photographic craftsman, he is a really great guy. My father told me, pick your friends carefully. I know he would approve whole heartedly of Jim.

Jim is also a really smart business guy when it comes to selling his work. Most photographers that reach a level of exceptional work, strike out to become the next John Shaw or Joe McNally, big mistake. There is already a John Shaw and Joe McNally. What Jim has done, which is really a smart move, is to be become the Shaw or McNally of his region. Much of Jim’s work is of local and regional material. Guess what? Shaw and McNally never shoot around here. That gives Jim a monopoly on his market. Jim sells tons of his beautiful HDR prints to the folks in the tri-state area.

“Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.”

One of God’s greatest blessings to me beyond salvation and my family are the great friends I’m honored to be associated with, Jim Begley is high on that list.

the pilgrim

*Photo note: D90 – 18-55 VR lens. By-the-way Jim took me to this great spot to shoot!

Some of Jim’s work for you to enjoy! And I know you will!!!!!

To see more go to:



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