No I am not!

13 years, 9 months ago Comments Off on No I am not!

Sorry about that, just couldn’t help myself. A country expression for poor, often comes out Po.
When I saw this sign I knew I had to shoot it, o.k. part of it. This morning I want to review with you all the reasons you should know that you are wealthy beyond measure.

Help me out by thinking about and answering these questions;

Does someone love you? (Hint, you know Jesus does…….)

If it rained last night did you have shelter?

Did you have to walk to work today?

In the last 24 hours have you had at least 3 meals?

Do you have something you are looking forward to?

Are you dying from a terminal illness?

Do you know you have been forgiven?

If you can answer yes to those questions you are wealthy beyond measure. Even if you have a terminal illness, if you can say yes to the last question, you’re still in loving hands.

Wealth is not just possessions or currency, it’s a state of well being. Look around yourself today and count all the ways you are fortunate. Now today’s assignment;

1. Tell one person that means a lot to you that you’re glad to have them in your life.
2. Thank God for your health, life, family, friends and His love and forgiveness.
3. Take ten minutes and go off alone and sit quietly and wait on God to assure you of His love.
4. Hug a child.
5. Pet a dog.
6. Try to get a glimpse of the sun setting, and thank God for giving you one more day.

Nope, I’m not Po……………. quite the opposite………

the pilgrim

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