Who is Number One?

12 years ago 2


As a football fan this is a big week, the NFL Draft is about to start.  For seasons to come the decision made in this draft will affect individual teams desire and progress to making the Super Bowl, and countless individual football players lives will be affected as well!  Naturally the sports talk shows and sports networks are all a buzz about who will go first, pretty much a knowns issue now, and who will take various top players from across the country.


I’m interested to know what will happen, but not riveted to the results, I am riveted to who is Number One everyday for me, Jesus.  The deeper my walk goes into my relationship with Christ, the less worldly things matter to me.  I love to talk cameras and lenses, sports, weather, travel and on and on, but honestly it all pales in comparison to the spiritual side of my life.  Who wins a Super Bowl does not even compare to the hope of leading someone into  life long relationship with Jesus!


Scripture teaches that we should turn our thoughts and minds to the things of God,  not rejecting all that goes on in the world but realizing it is secondary in importance to our spiritual health.  In the last few months I have been renting and watching Christian films more than the normal movies I have enjoyed in  the past.  I’ve found that centering my mind on things of God has made me a more peaceful and centered believer.  I’m not saying that to have a closer walk with God that you have to reject everything that is not specifically about Him, but the more we dabble in the things that are purely of this world, the more worldly we become, and the more worldly we become, the further we drift from His plan for our lives!


It is a delicate balancing act to be His and live for Him and still not make those in the world feel rejected and judged.  If you study the life of Christ, you will find that He  did not go around placing judgments on people, He let them know how much He loved them, that forgiveness was available if they woulds ask for it and accept Him.  He never twisted an arm, debated with people, or condemned them, He LOVED them!


Guess what, that is what He has called us to do as well, just love them!


the pilgrim



O.K. Yesterdays answers:


Top Shot of Buick Hood   D4


Cadillac Hood ornament    Coolpix P7100


Buick Eight Hood    D7000


Airplane Tail   D800

2 Responses

  1. Patrick says:


    Thank you for once again reminding us of how important it is to stay focused on the Lord and for giving us this daily meditation.

    God Bless