Because I said I would…..

10 years, 1 month ago 6


On a flight last year going somewhere, who knows where, in the Southwest Airlines flight seat back was an issue of their magazine and on the cover was a young man wearing  T-shirt that said “Because I said I would”.  Watch the video at the link below and I will continue the story!


Today I wear the wrist band that has the same quote, I even have a t-shirt with this quote.  What Alex Sheen started is a wonderful non-profit that encourages people to do what we should all do, display integirty!  Alex tells a wonderful story about his deceased father and how he proposed to honor his father by giving to others the one things his father gave to him, keeping his word.


Now just think for a few minutes how much better our world would be if we only kept our word. It would be so much better if we didn’t make promises at all if we were not going to stand behind them.  Make your word your bond, make it something worth giving.  My faith teaches me that that was how Jesus was, He never promised anything He did not fulfill!


I carry the Promise cards and use them, I wouldn’t be much of a friend if I didn’t recommend that you give it a try.  Not for me, but for the Man that has never broken a promise!




the pilgrim

6 Responses

  1. Gary says:

    Great site/cause/movement. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

    As you mentioned, it seems almost a novel thought that one would keep their word.

    BTW, I notice that next to your “Because I said I would” bracelet is a lens aperture ring bracelet…nice touch!

  2. Gary says:

    Bill, you have got to be the nicest blogger around! It’s always so neat that you reply to so many peoples’ posts on your site.

    You truly mirror your faith.

    • admin says:

      Thanks Gary, I think anyone kind enough to come and visit my site and make a comment deserves my attention, I wish more would comment!

  3. Howie George says:

    What a great story, Bill. Thanks so much for sharing that.