Serving Him

13 years, 10 months ago Comments Off on Serving Him

Hope you had a wonderful weekend, preferably with family! After the better part of a week in Boulder I got home late Saturday night and enjoyed Sunday and Monday with family. We spent Monday on the lake and I couldn’t resist the shot above.

I spent a good part of the week sharing with friends about photography, and faith, with a few. Every time I reach out in faith to others, the enemy threatens me with the same old warning, “you will get in trouble for sharing your faith….”

The answer to those attacks lies in this scripture:

2 Timothy 1:7 New King James Version

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind.

Many people are seeking the answers to some of life’s most vexing problems. All the answers are in Him. If we do not reach and out and love others with Christ’s love, we will never reach those that need Him. Obviously the enemy would like nothing more than to mute us because of fear of the reaction of others.

If we reach out in love, we will seldom ever raise the ire of those that would come against us. If we try to serve God by raining down judgement, that is when it gets rough. Remember, Judgement is God’s job, not ours. We are to deliver love, compassion, and help. Leave the judging to God.

Use this week to show other that your really care, then they will want to know why!

the pilgrim

Sherelene and my grandson Elijah. Fun at the lake……

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