Monthly Archives: April 2014
Easter is the beginning of Spring; flowers, blue skies, Easter eggs! Wow, the colors! O.K. that is not the kind of color I’m talking about! Easter is the symbol of a new life, renewal, fresh starts, forgiveness! Jesus not only changed my life forever, he elevated the color in my life! By color I mean joy, the joy of His love and forgiveness, the color that family and friends bring into my life. The rainbow that Sherelene has flooded into my life! For me Easter and Thanksgiving have blended into one. I am so very thankful for all He has brought into my life. Wow, the colors!
I pray that this Easter, you are filled with the joy and color that can only come from Him! He is Risen!
the pilgrim
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This entry was posted on Friday, April 18th, 2014 at 6:59 pm
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Thanks to all of you that prayed for me and my trip to Liberty University, your prayers were answered! We had a great time with the students and members of the photo community in Lynchburg. It has been a great time spiritually and photographically!! So much so that I’m going back and meeting with Jim and raising the idea of a workshop here in 2015. This is a really great place to shoot, and fantastic people to hang out with! There are two many great stories to share in one entry so I will do that in coming weeks, but I would like to show you some of the diverse things we shot while I was here with Tim Isaacson! Above is the Old City Cemetery and these are the grave sites for slaves killed in the Civil War fighting for both sides! Very interesting history all around Lynchburg! Below is one of a number of great antique shops!
Downtown Lynchburg is very historic and the old Coca Cola Plant is just one of many sites being restored, there is much to shoot right downtown!
Below several diverse shots all from the Old City Cemetery!
Thanks again for your prayers, much was accomplished for the kingdom!
the pilgrim
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This entry was posted on Thursday, April 17th, 2014 at 3:06 am
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I wlll be traveling all day Tuesday and then addressing groups at Liberty University, so this will serve as my Tuesday entry. Now a little vindication! If I believe any website, (besides my own), that reviews cameras it is DP Review. I’ve found them to be thorough and fair. Thankfully they released their review of the Fuji X-T1 today and I have provided the link below. I would encourage my readers to check out the full report especially the pages that compare noise! I think that will settle for once and for all how superior this camera truly is, it’s rating of 84% and the Gold Award makes it among the very highest rated cameras ever by DP Review!
Enough said! Blessings,
the pilgrim
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This entry was posted on Monday, April 14th, 2014 at 10:54 pm
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I went to the dentist office for an appointment at 10:00 a.m. and didn’t get called back until 10:45, then it was 11:15 before I was being seen. O.K. they were busy, and they are very good to me, but it is time, and when you are sitting in a room alone, time seems to matter, even more.
A philosophy professor asked, “If I had the power to give you more of any one thing, what would you ask for?”
Fame or recognition?
Sex appeal?
Physical Beauty?
Then a man in his fifties, who had gone back to college, answered, and smiled knowingly, and said, “time”.
Why do wise men say “time”? Because the more mature we become, the more we realize how much time we have wasted. Probably seeking, money, power, recognition, etc, etc.
So what should we use our time to attain? Ah…that’s the problem, it’s not about attaining, it’s about giving and sharing.
Last night, Sherelene and I sat quietly on the back deck and just enjoyed the quiet together, nothing spectacular, but yet, much more than spectacular! It finally came home to me that these kinds of times may just be the best moments of my life. It made me think of other times that brought such deep satisfaction;
Holding a grandchild, and hearing them proclaim, “I love you papa!”
Starring into the smiling face of a friend.
Sharing how much God loves you with someone that needs to hear that!
Experiencing the tears of release when someone truly knows they are forgiven, and belong to Him!
Listening to a stream as the water moves between and over the rocks.
Staring at the stars on a quiet night, and seeing, and knowing God’s majesty.
Holding Sherelene’s hand with her head on my shoulder.
Sipping cold water when thirst has overtaken me.
The sensation of looking through my camera’s viewfinder, and squeezing the shutter release at the perfect moment. The sound of the shutter!
Watching the color as it rises through the sky right after the sun sets.
You get the idea, nothing that requires money, fame, or power, only recognizing the smallest yet most profound treasures in a life! Moments that matter!
So, how are you spending your most valuable asset? I pray it is time, well spent!
the pilgrim
This post has 4 comments. Click here to read them
This entry was posted on Monday, April 14th, 2014 at 8:56 pm
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