Daily Archives: December 29, 2015

8 years, 4 months ago 10



It happens from time to time, a well meaning person tries to talk some sense into me!  Over the Christmas holidays a person asked me why I made such a public, strong, unabashed stand for my faith.  He said, “I think it’s great to have beliefs, but in today’s society a lot of people think that is something you should keep to yourself.  Many people are made uncomfortable by someone being so bold about it.”


I respect his opinion and I fully understand where he is coming from, but I don’t think he fully understands where I’m coming from.  Let me share an email I got this morning from someone signing up with Artists Standing For Christ,  and I will withhold the name of the person who so kindly sent the email to me.


HI Bill, count me in.  I really like the concept of Artists Standing for Christ. You don’t know the effect you have had on me since we have not seen each other for awhile. I attend church regularly and now my daughter and her two children do also! I take part in a weekly Bible  study reading Corinthians 1. I have spent the past three weeks reading and studying Romans to catch up with the group.  I wake up happy with gratitude every day. Thanks to you.


He added this quote which I love,


“Life’s not about waiting for the storms to pass….It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”
~ Vivian Greene


I appreciate the kind words, but the glory and honor should go to Him who makes all this possible, including my life.  It just so happens that I have a very special love for the man that sent me that email.  I’ve prayed for Him, and have watched him become a terrific photographers as he has also grown in his faith.  I’m thrilled he is getting to be a really good shooter,  I’m much more thrilled about this note!!!!


Photography is what I do, I love it, and it has brought me 46 years of fun, adventures, excitement and fulfillment, but it will not last forever.  Being obedient to God and doing as I’m told for His glory and His sake, will last through out eternity.  My friend got one thing wrong in his email to me, the last sentience; Thanks to you.  No my friend, thanks to our Heavenly Father who loved you enough to place in a situation where we could meet and He could minister to you.  What part do I play in all this?  Simple, I live by the following prescription;


“Life Comes down to just two things;  God loves you, so….love others…and God sacrificed everything to be with you, so….sacrifice everything.”


It’s no more or less than that.  Is it easy?  No!  Is it worth it to remain under the protective wings of our Heavenly Father?   You bet!  A dear friend of mine that has a very successful prison ministry ends all  his meetings with this quote.  “When I’m gone, if you can’t remember me, you’ve lost nothing, but if you can’t remember anything about the man I shared with you, Jesus, you’ve lost everything my friend!”


No one knows what their life will be worth when they are gone, but I’m not taking any chances, mine will count for something far more important than myself.  I will raise up the name of Jesus and will lovingly share it with anyone that will allow me to. I don’;t want anyone to miss the peace and joy He has brought into my life, and no one has to.




the pilgrim