Daily Archives: January 1, 2016

8 years, 4 months ago 2



Thanks Scott!
I just read Scott Kelby’s blog post for today and I had to expand on it!  It is a beautiful sentiment, very thought provoking, let me take it a little further and hopefully provoke you a little more!


This is his quote:   “2016 is an unwritten chapter….Love deeply, live boldly, and go after something big!”


“2016 is an unwritten chapter….”   At first this seems rather obvious, but sadly to many,  it’s not.  The important implication is that “you” can write the chapter of 2016!  What are you going to write about, what are you going to do that will become the story of 2016?  It’s up to you……


“Love deeply”    love noun 1 his friendship with Helen grew into love: deep affection,fondness, tenderness, warmth, intimacy, attachment,endearment; devotion,

adoration, doting, idolization,worship; passion, ardor, desire, lust, yearning, infatuation,

besottedness. ANTONYMS hatred.2 her love for fashion, compassion, care,caring, regard, solicitude, concern, friendliness, friendship,kindness, charity,

goodwill, sympathy, kindliness, altruism,unselfishness, philanthropy, benevolence, fellow feeling,humanity.


Loving deeply is a powerful commitment.  Their is a big difference between the beer commercial’s  “I love ya man…”  and  “I love you my friend.”  One is casual, one is not.  Real deep love is not casual.  Deeply loving others requires a lot of juice, juice I don’t have within myself! Thankfully, my Lord not only requires me to deeply love others, and He supplies His love!  If we try to love within the boundaries of our own abilities, we are doomed to failure, we simply are not equipped to have that kind of love, but that love is available, you just have to know where it is, and  how to access it!


Live Boldy….  The definition for Bold has such words as;  courageous, valiant, fearless, audacious, daring, brave, adventurous, heroic, confident, and gutsy!  Be honest with yourself, are those terms you think others would use to describe you?  I know some years ago my answer would have been, sorry,  that’s not me.  Today, I hope those that know me best would feel comfortable using some of those terms in describing me.  I know that sounded awfully boastful, but hold on and let me explain. Why would that have not been an accurate description of me some years ago and might be now?


Some years ago I came to understand that this life is not about me, I accepted Christ and asked Him to teach me how to live the way He would have me live.  Now that construction project is still underway, it’s not nearly finished, but progress has been made!  Boldness is one of the traits He gave me.  I believe deeply in those things He has taught me,  loving others, truly caring for others, seeking to help anyone that I can.  If we are not fearless, courageous and gutsy, we will not accomplish much,  and that brings us to the last and most key point!


“….and go after something big!”   This is the key to a great 2016, 2017, and the rest of your life!  Go for something BIG.  So what is big for you?  How about Fame?  Maybe Fortune, Maybe Power,or being Admired?   I know you know better than that, none of those will bring you long term peace, joy and happiness.  Jesus said he that is first here, will be last there.  He was talking about service, the woman that gave a single coin of a small denomination in the synagogue, impressed Jesus more than those that gave lavishly.  Why,  because she gave a lot, of what little she had!   One of the words that describes big in the dictionary is “significant”.  What are you going to do in 2016 that will be significant next January when you review your year?


Scott has been  great friend to me, I’m proud to call him my friend,  and I thank him for this post.  So  “Learn how to love deeply, the rewards are enormous, Live Boldly having the courage to stand for something more important than yourself, and find something big enough to be worthy of your life.”  When it’s all over, what do you want to be the legacy of your life, what of real value can you leave your children, grandchildren and friends.  Important thoughts to ponder at the beginning of a year!




the pilgrim