Daily Archives: July 3, 2016

7 years, 10 months ago 34



* Disclaimer;  I want to share something sent to me via the internet (in blue below).  I did not write it, but I don’t disagree with it, either.  I am a Patriot, a Christian, I love my country.  I believe we should live by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, since it is the 4th of July weekend I think this is appropriate subject matter for today.  Who you support in the upcoming presidential election is up to you, and none of my business.  Since this is a personal blog and people are free to read it or never come here again,  I feel fine in sharing thoughts I think are important.  Let me tell you why I will not, nor would ever support a Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid.


I cannot vote for a President that I believe to be deeply dishonest, disingenuous, that lies, steals, and makes deals with powers that are directly in conflict with the United States.   Seriously?


I cannot vote for a candidate that does not believe in the rule of law.  Read Clinton Cash.  Consider that she is currently under CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION by the FBI!  Consider one of the counts being investigated is CRIMINAL ESPIONAGE.  Seriously?


I cannot vote for a candidate that has said, “Under our laws a fetus is not a person up to the very moment before birth.”  Seriously?


I cannot vote for a candidate that believes the Obama Immigration policy has worked for the good of America and plans to increase the worst parts of it if elected.   Seriously?


If any person in our society deserves our respect and honor it is our military and law enforcement people.  Hillary has shown a severe disdain and disrespect for both.  Imagine that you’re a secret service agent and you have vowed to take bullet to protect her and you pass her in the White House hallway and say good morning, and her response is “go F— yourself”   This is the worst form of a lack of respect and appreciation for those that are there to protect you!   Seriously?


So it is a tough political season but this may help you understand why I why I am a TRUMP SUPPORTER.




The folks speaking out  against Trump are helping me make up my mind a little more every  day!

Is he the Perfect  Candidate whose thoughts mirrors mine on all fronts?   NOPE

Does he say everything the  way I wish he would say it?  NOPE



Am I absolutely sure that  his motives are absolutely Pure?  NOPE

Can I point to any other  Dem Politician that I like better?  NOPE

Is there any of the  other RINO Politicians I like better?   NOPE

Am I going to sit home,  refuse to Vote, and let Hillary win; because he is NOT  Perfect?  NOPE

Do I like what I have seen  for the last 7-1/2 years with the Jerk that sleeps in my White  House?  NOPE

Do I like the “fundamental  changes” that same Jerk has brought about in MY America?   NOPE

OK, your turn to decide  what you are going to do in about 4 months!



Trump’s presidential  qualifications…



Obama is against  Trump… Check


The Media are against Trump…  Check


The establishment Democrats are against Trump…  Check


The establishment Republicans are against Trump…  Check


The Pope is against Trump… Check


The UN is  against Trump… Check


The EU is against Trump…  Check


China is against Trump… Check


Mexico is  against Trump… Check


Soros is against Trump…  Check


Black Lives Matter is against Trump…  Check


Move On is against Trump… Check


Koch  Brothers are against Trump… Check


Planned Parenthood is against  Trump….Check


Hillary & Bernie are both against  Trump … Check


Illegal aliens are against Trump …  Check


Islam is against Trump … Check


Kasich is  against Trump … Check


Hateful, racist, violent Liberals  are against Trump.. Check




It seems to me, Trump MUST BE the  Best Qualified Candidate we could ever have.


If you have  so many political insiders and left wing NUT CASES— all SCARED  TO DEATH, that they all speak out against him at the same  time!


Most of all, it will be  the People’s  Choice




He’s not a Lifetime  Politician…Check


He’s not a  Lawyer…..Check


He’s not doing it for the  money…Check


He’s a Natural Born American Citizen born  in the USA from American parents. . .


Bonus points  !


Whoopi says she will leave the country…


Rosie  says she will leave the country…


Sharpton says he will  leave the country…


Cher says she will leave the  country…


Cyrus says she will leave the  country…


The Constitution and the Bill of Rights will  prevail….


Hillary will go to  jail…..


The budget will be balanced in 8  years….


Americans will have first choice at  jobs…..


You will not be able to marry your  pet….


You will be able to keep your gun(s) if you  qualify…
(Not a criminal or crazy, etc.) & being a member of the NRA will not be considered a criminal act! 

Only  living, registered U.S. citizens can vote….





You can  have and keep your own  doctor…..


You can say  whatever you want without being called a racist, Islamophobic,  xenophobic,  etc….



Come  to think of it, we have no place to go, but  UP!…



Pass  it on and God Bless America!!


Have a great 4th of July weekend and if you deeply disagree with what I’ve shared, please keep it to yourself, It will keep both yours and my blood pressure under control!




the pilgrim


O.K.   If it is killing you to respond,  here are my ground rules;  If you want to counter this and want to list things bad things about Trump, you must list one significant accomplishment of Hillary’s in her public life for every negative listed for Trump.  That should keep the negatives down!