The Next Step Part 2

8 years, 4 months ago 2



Let’s take another few steps down this very important road.


5.  We are who we associate with.  Build a circle of friends that believe as you do, wow, sounds like a church!  I know lots of people say I’m not into into “organized” religion, those places are full of hypocrites.  Yes you are absolutely right, they are, another word for that is sinners.  However, there is worse news coming.  Romans tells us that “we are all sinners, we have all fallen short of what God wanted for us.”  So if you are going to throw stones at all those sinners, well just remember what Jesus said, “Let he that is without sin, cast the first stone!”  Hey I didn’t say it, if you don’t like it…take it up with Him!


6.  Watch what you watch on TV, at the movies, and what you listen to.  This is a tough one,  I like a good movie as much as the next guy, but I’ve gotten stricter on myself about what I spend my time watching.  I lean towards TV shows that have a strong moral message like Blue Bloods.  How do we know?   Watch one episode of any show, if it espouses something that makes you uncomfortable, you likely should take that one off the list.  Warning, this is going to cut your TV time way down!


7.  Make your play list uplifting.  There are plenty of good artists out there that produce great music, that is keeping with your new standards, and some terrific Christian music.  Thankfully artists like Jordan Smith are turning the tide on great music that is uplifting!


8.  Clean your slate.  Developing  a perfectly open line of communication with Him changes everything.  That starts with forgiveness, not yours, that’s a done deal!  Now it’s time to search your heart and make list, a list of those you have not forgiven.  I know the drill, I’ve been through it, and I can give you some advice; God loves you but it is not a good idea to try and convince Him that you have the right to refuse to forgive someone because of how badly they hurt you.  A little review; Your Heavenly Father, (God) sent His ONLY Son to die so you could be forgiven for your sins!  Do you really want to argue that point with Him??!!  Thought so, get to it, you’ll never believe the freedom that comes from letting it go!


O.K. that’s some heavy stuff, so let’s give it rest for now, but the pay off is greater than you can ever imagine!






the pilgrim

2 Responses

  1. Ed Rogner says:

    I’m in.