Ready, set, go!

8 years, 2 months ago 8



I leave in the morning for the Route 66 adventure, it will take me a couple of days to “meander” out to Oklahoma City and then Saturday night we start our adventure.  We have a great group of folks joining us and I hope they have a great time!  I’ve prepared for a long time to be sure they do!  I am more concerned about another kind of preparation though!


Spiritual.  Every year, when I start to get ready to go out and teach workshops I spend a lot of time in prayer and in quiet time with God seeking His direction for the coming year.  I want to be the man He wants me to be, and do the things that He knows are best.  Through study of the Word, and seeking Him I’ve come to a spectacularly simple answer to my direction.  I was talking with Dr. Charles Stanley this morning and shared something with him, and he confirmed that he believed it was the core principle on which God wants us to operate.  It’s really so obvious, our greatest failing with God is not truly believing that He loves us.  You see we don’t love ourselves, and that’s because we know ourselves so well, we know our shortcomings, our mistakes, what we are ashamed of, and how we have failed God, but our Heavenly Father, He loves us as we are, not as we should be.   Just as in the Brennan Manning quote from yesterday.  God assures us of His love by His loving kindness, His grace, and His forgiveness!  So if we want others to know our Heavenly Father we have to offer them the same thing our Father offers us.  Unconditional love!


My number one goal for 2016 is to reach out and love others with His love, and help people realize just how much He loves them.  Making some great photographs would be nice, but this comes first!  It must always come first.




the pilgrim

8 Responses

  1. Bryan Jolley says:

    Amen Bill! Have a blessed trip!

  2. Tim L says:

    Thanks for the post, Bill. Have a great time on your adventure!

  3. We’re all with you in spirit and can’t wait to see some of the pictures from the workshop!

    I’ll add my voice to those wishing you an safe and enjoyable trip…..I know you’ll be a blessing to all who attend with you.

  4. Joshua says:

    Have a safe and blessed trip!