Try this fun test!!!!!
I came across a interesting test on youtube and I would love to see what your thoughts are! Andrew shows a series of images A thru E of a similar shot. Two are from a Fuji X-T3, one in Acros film simulation and one in monochrome, two are from two Leica cameras one a regular color camera that has a monochrome setting and one from the Leica monochrome only camera and the last from a film camera.
It’s easy, get a piece of paper and pen and then play this youtube video writing down your pick from each sequence of shots. I picked my two favorites and the shot I thought was the worst. PLEASE share your results with the rest us and I will do the same!
Be sure to click the full screen symbol to make your selections easier!!!
the pilgrim
This entry was posted on Sunday, September 22nd, 2019 at 3:20 pm
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Fun comparison. My two favorites were consistently the Leica Monochrom Classic and the X-T3 Acros. Sometimes couldn’t decide which one I liked best but would probably say the final nod overall would go just slightly to the Leica.
Third place was consistently the X-T3 Monochrome followed by the Leica Monochrom Type 246 and then the Leica M3.
I agree I had the same preferences. I think the Leica Monochrom is probably a hair better, but….with a cost of essentially $8,000 For just the body and the equally high cost of Leitz glass…… I think the X-T3 is looking like a screaming bargain! For the cost of the Monochrom body you could have a pair of X-T3s, A 14mm, 23mm, 35mm, 50mm and 90mm plus a bunch of batteries and really nice bag and taking your wife out for a five star dinner. Seems like a bargain to me!
By-the-way, really looking forward to being with you and Jim in the UP!
I also picked the Leica in the comparison. Probably because of the lens, but as far as monochrome renderings, they are all so close, the cost isn’t worth the difference.
Generally, Leitz Lenses tend to have a hair more contrast, and that was born out in these samples.
I think the Leica Monochrom is clearly designed from the ground up to maximize monochrome images and it shows! I still can’t afford the body…….. and don’t want to deal with the weight, ever picked one up?
You didn’t have another “scare” I hope!
My Favorite was A and B & C a close second almost a tie between them. I wasn’t really surprised when I saw that Camera A was the Fuji with the monochrome. If the shots had been out west with some storm clouds I bet the ACROS would have been the winner.