A Look Back at Fatherhood, 50 Years Later…..

5 years ago 6
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From Christmas Day of 2019 to New Year’s Eve our family took a trip to Amelia Island in Florida to just be together and celebrate Christmas, a New Year and help each other heal from the loss of Wes.

I had a long time to think about my family, my children, grandchildren and my beautiful bride. Looking at all these grown and growing chidren I thought about what advise I would offer to a new father from the perspective of one, fifty years down the road. I hope these thoughts help you become the father you want to be!

  1. Nothing is more important than spending the time it takes to build deep relationships with your children and their mother!

2. The values you pray they will develop starts early and has to be modeled in your daily life, in front of their eyes!

3. Seek God in your day to day life and He will honor your prayers for your family! He wants you to succeed, and He is ready and able to help you, you shouldn’t try to do this alone.

4. Capture your children’s lives in photos, videos and voice recordings! You will be do glad you did! Scott found some old cassette tapes of him, Wesley and Catherine talking when they were very, very young, it was a delight to hear those precious vocies again.

5. Pray with and for your children. Let them see how important it is to talk with God and allow them to see how He answer your prayers. It will teach them how much God loves us!

6. Teach your children about responsibility and a strong work ethic, honesty, integrity and honor! Our world needs people that live by these qualities.

7. Always be honest with your children! Trust always begins with honesty.

8. No one is ever to old for a hug! Children, grandchildren, wives, and friends need your affection. Don’t ever be afraid to show it!

9. Go to church with your family, allow them to see the imporatnce of faith in your life.

10. Laugh, love, listen and stay comitted to your family, the dividends are enormous and priceless.


the pilgrim

6 Responses

  1. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and insight.


  2. Bill Fortney says:

    God’s wisdom, Miss you my man!

  3. David Wilson says:

    I second George’s comment. While you may not claim authorship for the wisdom, you did publish it for all to read.

  4. Bill Fortney says:

    That’s my job!