Our 50th Anniversary!

4 years, 11 months ago 41
Posted in: Uncategorized

Friday night, February 14th, Sherelne and I celebrated our 50th Anniversary surrounded by family and friends! We renewed our vows and then joined around 75 guests for a catered dinner, it was a wonderful evening! Family came from some distance away to help us celebrate and then our weekend has been filled with family gatherings at our home.

The happy couple! What a thrill it has been to call Shrelene my bride for 50 years! Jim Haverstock, (with me below), got the prize for the furthest to drive to the celebration. and my Son Scott and grandson Ben flew up for St Augustine Florida!

My best man was my brother Homer!

Scott and Catherine preparing for the cake cutting!

Left to right, front table, Terri Fortney, Homer Fortney, Randy Scott, Joyce Scott Debi Miller, Eddie Miller and Sherelene.

Sherelene visitng with Jim & Susan Begley, dear friends!

What a great celebration of a 50 year journey, I’m truly a blessed man!!!!!

Our grandchildren’s table!

Sherelene with Leo and Sandy Miller, our Harlan friends for well over 50 years! Thanks to Danny and Debbie Howard for coming too!!!!


the pilgrim

A very special thanks to Rhonda, Catherine and Rhonda’s mother, Helen for all the work they put in helping us get this done!!! Though I don’t have a picture of him, because he was always behind the camera, a very special thanks to Butch Houseman for taking all these images for us, you’re a champ Butch!!!!! I can’t thank you enough!!!!

More images coming after a short Honeymoon 😉

41 Responses

  1. Jim in Bloomington says:

    What a privilege to be with you. You and Sherelene are what God intended when He joined us in marriage. Thank you for so many years of friendship and fellowship!

  2. David Berry says:

    Congratulations to the Fortney’s ~ What a Blessing my friend!

  3. Bill Fortney says:

    Thank you David, Amen!

  4. Tim Abramowitz says:

    Congratulations, Bill and Shrelene! And thank you, for being a Christ-honoring example!

  5. David W says:

    Congratulations! I pray that you and your lovely bride have many, many more anniversaries.

  6. Steve Kubik says:

    Congratulations to you both!

  7. Ed Zoltay says:

    Congratulations! You’re both an inspiration.

  8. Joshua Boldt says:


  9. Congratulations Bill and Shrelene celebrating your wonderful marriage.
    I was happy to see a picture of Jim Haverstock and hope he is doing well.
    May God continue to smile upon you.

  10. Rodney McKnight says:


  11. Mike E says:


  12. Brad Mikel says:

    What a blessing you both are! God keep you both in good health and in his care.
    Love you Bill.

  13. Scotty B says:

    Congratulations on the many years you’ve spent together, very obviously still enthralled with each other! Enjoy every moment … and thank you for sharing your wonderful event with us!

  14. Judene Gardner says:


  15. Tim Isaacson says:

    Congratulations Bill! Hope you both have 50 more!

  16. JOHN GOMPF says:

    A Warm hearted Congratulations. Wishing you and Sherelene another Blessed 50 years.

  17. Diane and Ron says:

    What a journey it has been for the two of you! Know that although we couldn’t be there in person we were truly there in spirit. Love you guys!

  18. Donna Martin says:

    Congratulations, Bill! I am so happy for you and Sherelene!

  19. Mike Williams says:

    Congratulations! May you continue to enjoy each other’s company forever.

  20. Bill Fortney says:

    Thank you, our plan!

  21. Dave Jenkins says:

    Congratulations for your 50 years of marriage and for your wonderful life journey. Ouise and I have our 55th upcoming.

  22. Dick Ginkowski says:

    Congratulations and blessings to you both!

  23. Wayne Bennett Jr says:

    Happy anniversary Bill and Shirlene!!

  24. Darrell Gilbert says:

    Bill, congratulations to both you!