Remembering Wes…….

4 years, 8 months ago 16
Posted in: Uncategorized

Today is the one year anniversary of us losing Wesley. Our family gathered for a brunch and will have dinner again tonight, together. While everyone misses Wes, we know where he is and how much better off it is for him to no longer be suffering. We have a strong loving family and we have all worked overtime to support one another through this year. luckily when one of us is down the rest rally to their side and we are conforted in the knowledge that Wes is safely in God’s loving arms now.

Rhonda, Elijah and Abigail are doing very well, once again, becasue of their faith and they
are surrounded by countlless family members and real friends!

Thanks you to all my friends that have lifted us up this year, we have really felt your prayers and good wishes!


the pilgrim

16 Responses

  1. Jim in Bloomington says:

    All I can say is that Wes was loved, and all of you are dearly loved, also.

  2. Carl says:

    When think of Wes, I think of the Thunderbirds when they fly in formation with one plane missing! Wes is the missing one!

    • admin says:

      Missing for sure, but we know where he flew off to! Praise God He is finally home!

  3. Richard Browne says:

    You can be thankful that you had a great relationship with Wes and that you have great memories of your times together. Thinking of you and your family, Bill. Stay well!

  4. Brad Mikel says:

    My dear friend. Toni and I will especially remember Wes and your family in our prayers now and this weekend. You were blessed to have such a wonderful relationship with Wes, and more importantly with our Lord. May he hold Wes in his loving arms, and give you all strength.
    God bless you all.

  5. Jerry Reece says:

    What a wonderful family keeping the memory of Wes so fresh and vivid in your minds, hearts and souls.

    Jerry Reece

  6. Mike Williams says:

    Continued prayers for all of you.

  7. admin says:

    Thank you Mike!!!!

  8. Donna says:

    (((((hugs))))) God bless you, Bill.

  9. Dick Ginkowski says:

    It is beyond difficult being a parent and losing a child. Prayers and hugs continue for you all.