Forest Fun……

11 years, 8 months ago 9

Wrapping up images from the week in Olympic, and on to the next assignment!  The image above is a 7 stop HDR, inspired by my partner, Jim Begley.  This images was made with the D4 and 28-300, a tough combination to beat!   Same outfit for the stones on the beach below.



Then I got a few close-ups with the XE-1.





I really needed some good light on Hurricane Ridge and it finally happened this morning!  You never know when it might happen!



It’s been a great trip with wonderful people, so its time to move to the next location, more soon!!




the pilgrim


The Red Background on the fern shot??????  I was unhappy with the mottled background on the fern that was low to the ground, I slipped my red and grey windbreaker under the fern first trying the grey part first, then for “grins” I tried the red, Wallah – Christmas Card!




9 Responses

  1. Jon says:

    Bill and fellow photographers,

    Thanks for these amazing shots – the Lord has certainly created an amazing earth with all of its colors, shadows, and textures, and has blessed you with an eye to see and capture it all! If we don’t take time to look and see, we wouldn’t see any of those beautiful things – it’s great that you host workshops to train the eye to see these things!

    The Lord has put it on my heart lately to read the Bible and pray everyday – to see the beautiful things in His Word that I otherwise wouldn’t know about or remember. I was reading in Romans today and was greatly encouraged and simply wanted to share some things with my believing photographers and truth seekers out there!

    Some encouraging notes and concepts from today’s shot of Romans (these shots were taken in the afternoon, unlike photography – His light is good all day, not just at dawn and dusk):

    “Sin SHALL NOT have dominion over you, for you are NOT under the LAW but under GRACE”, amen! All those struggles and stumbles don’t dictate your future, this Word does, sin SHALL NOT have dominion over you, “Stronger is He that is in me than he who is in the world”

    “Recon yourself dead to sin”, we have to recon ourselves, or believe, that we’re dead to sin, if we go by past experiences of how we’ve fallen or done what we know was wrong, and keep thinking “I’m bound to sin again”, we’ll have it backwards, don’t start with your experiences and struggles and formulate your beliefs about sin and overcoming from them, but start with what’s in His Word, and let that take presidence over past experiences, for if you recon yourself dead to sin, you’ll find yourself making more upward progress instead of downward, by the Lord’s power!

    May the Lord bless you all in your walk with him, in your believing and repenting, and in your photography!

  2. I love the D4 shots the best and the two Hurricane Ridge photos are phenomenal! My favorite of all of them is the HDR one of the green forest. What a beautiful place. I can imagine walking with the Lord for hours there.

  3. Mark says:

    May I ask, by “7 stop HDR”, do you mean you bracketed plus/minus seven stops? Or a 7 stop total exposure range across all three images?

    Thank you!

  4. Sam Britton says:

    Bill, I know you’re busy . . . but, perhaps when you have a moment you could answer my question. I have an old version of Photoshop Elements which I have NOT perfected in any way, shape or form. I’ve seen Nik Software demonstrated and, of course, it’s wonderful. Also very expensive. Can you give me your opinion on what software program I should purchase for my post processing endeavors? I read a lot about Elements being very good and it goes from there. If this is not an easy question to answer, please don’t take the time. Or perhaps there’s a link you (or anyone else) could share. Thanks for any input for which you have time. I appreciate it very much.

    • admin says:

      Photoshop Elements 11 (the latest version) is a very capable program, doing a large majority of what photographers need that I use Photoshop for. Lightroom is also pretty reasonable and is a favorite among many photographers. Those two programs seem to offer the most bang for the buck! From time to time NIK Software, now owned by Google sells their entire suite for a substantially reduced price! I’s worth waiting for one of the sales! Hope that helps, ask anytime, I always have time for you!

      • Sam Britton says:

        Terrific answers to my inquiry. Thank you so much, Bill. You’re very kind.