Daily Archives: November 15, 2012

11 years, 5 months ago 14

It seems that so many times in my life, I find myself back at the beginning!  I think that I allow myself to think that I can see the plan, the mission and then God surprises me by moving the bar and putting me back at the starting point!  I promise to stop talking about the workshop that just ended soon, but I have one more point I want to make about what happened at the workshop.  We had an opportunity to minister to an individual and the resulting time among about eight or nine of us was an amazing outpouring of love. Several of the attendees really stepped up to the plate and delivered powerful words of encouragement, and showed real love for the individual.  It was a great lesson is the value of the body of Christ and the various talents, and experiences we all bring to the table.


I was amazed at how quickly members of the group jumped in and did their part in witnessing God’s love and forgiveness.  I’m not going to identify any of these folks because I know they all were doing what they did because of how much they love the Lord and wanted to serve Him.  The person that was being prayed for was profoundly affected and those prayers will continue to bring good into their life.  The point I really want to make is that real, powerful things happen when such a special group of people like this gather and commit to one another.  I have to believe that these moments in time on earth are only a small foretaste of what heaven will be like.


I want to thank every person that came to the workshop and gave so unselfishly of themselves to see to that the others had a great time!  So I thought I knew where this was heading, and once again God has opened by eyes to bigger and better things than I could have ever imagined.  That’s just like my Heavenly Father, He delights in surprising us with more blessings than we can contain!




the pilgrim


Tomorrow, I fly from San Diego to St. Louis to deliver four one hour programs in two days, please pray that I deliver what the the people need, and what God desire for me to share.