Daily Archives: February 11, 2016

8 years, 2 months ago 16



Tuesday night my family gathered with Sherelene and I, at our house, for a dinner and birthday celebration.  The occasion was my 70th birthday, 7 decades of life!  We had a great meal, some wonderful cake and ice cream and then my children and Sherlene gave me my birthday cards.  My daughter Catherine said, “You know  we can never surprise you with a gift, since you already have everything you want or have it on order!  But we did want you to have this from all of us.”  She handed me two printed pages that contained a list, it simply read;


For your 7oth birthday we compiled a list of the 70 reasons why we love you Dad….

All three of my children, their spouses, (now my children too!), and my six grand children all contributed to the list below.  Before you start reading it please know I’m not doing this blog entry to boast, brag or pat myself on the back.  No, as I told my collected family after they made me read the list aloud, that it was the greatest gift I have ever received, or will ever receive.  I told them that for my entire life I’ve tried to live up to the standard my father set for me, to be “that guy”.  That guy that loved God and his family, that treated others as I would want to be treated, and try my very best to set an example for my little ones.  More than a few tears were shed and laughter heard,  as I read the list.  I want to encourage all fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers to leave this as your legacy when you go on to be with the Lord.  I hope you enjoy this, I know it will inspire you when you apply it to your own life!


1) You have led by example

2) You shared your M&M’s

3) You always included us

4) You are creative

5) You are kind

6) You make us laugh

7) You are talented

8) You snuggled with us

9) You’ve taken us to see so many amazing places

10) You are a man of God

11) You’re not afraid to say “I’m sorry”

12) You are sensitive

13) You are inspiring

14) You make Christmas special for us

15) You taught us to appreciate nature

16) Your beard

17) You make peanut butter fudge with us

18) You watch movies with us

19) You watch football with us

20) You encourage us

21) Your generosity makes our lives better

22) Your willingness to do what’s needed

23) The way you love to create memories with the family

24) You always have our backs

25) Your unwavering faith in God.

26) Your unwavering love and admiration for Mom.

27) You’re a role model for the right way to be a husband/father.

28) You are a pretty good photographer (HAHA!)

29) Your sense of humor

30) Your courage in witnessing of  your faith

31) You taught us how NOT to react when UK loses *do not throw things

32) You taught us how to drive

33) You set the bar of integrity and hard work high in marriage

34) You taught us to enjoy the splendor of creation

35) You instilled patriotism in us

36) You keep us posted on the latest/greatest Fuji Products.

37) You taught us to dream big!

38) You taught us to believe in the power of prayer

39) You taught us even when you get older, you can still “play”

40) You taught us to love and admire good music

41) You taught us how to accept others, even Democrats

42) You taught us generosity for the less fortunate

43) You taught us to enjoy/embrace reading

44) You have never held back from showing us affection

45) You taught us even at our lowest/highest, to have faith and give thanks

46) You taught us to be quick to forgive, we all will have to ask for it sometime

47) You taught us laughter is the best medicine

48) You taught us to never impersonate an officer LOL!

49) You inspire us to see things with an artistic eye

50) You taught us not to touch expensive stuff man! HAHA!

51) You are dedicated to your family

52) Your Santa-like beard

53) You are a talented photographer

54) You are loyal

55) Your love for ice-cream sandwiches

56) Your respect for nature and outdoors

57) Your sense of adventure

58) Your luscious hair

59) Your love and respect for Nana

60) You’re a thoughtful gift-giver

61) Your faithfulness

62) Your honesty

63) Your great taste in music and movies

64) Your generosity

65) Your love for Chinese food

66) Your love for hot tubs and singing Broadway musicals while in them

67) Your love for cheeseburgers

68) Takehomeasack

69) Your love for guns

70) You love your family more than anything


I pray with all my heart that those things are true, and I’m thankful they didn’t make list of the 70 things they hate about me!  I love my family, my friends, and my brothers and sisters in Christ.  God has rewarded me with a good life, filled with peace, joy and the best family a man could ever ask for, and that, I certainly do not deserve.  Grace is unmerited favor, and I am a man living life chest deep in grace!




the pilgrim