Daily Archives: November 20, 2017

6 years, 5 months ago 16
Posted in: Uncategorized

Retired sign


I’ve had a few emails asking, in a very kind way, what has happened to me? One said “I used to enjoy reading a different blog entry every day and now it is a long time between posts.”  That is true and while I don’t feel I need to explain, I want to.  First, when Wes was diagnosed with cancer early this year, it changed all of our lives.  Most of 2017, when not traveling, to keep my word, I’ve been involved with helping Wes and his family. Over this year I’ve come to be much more invested in my family, something that should have happened long ago.  I’ve not been an absentee father and husband, but I’ve been gone way too much and been too obsessed with photography.


I’ve re-ordered my life.  My first goal is to serve my Lord and share His love.  My second goal is to be the father, husband and family man I always should have been!  I still love and enjoy my craft, but my devotions have been shifted to goals one and two!


I still have a passion to teach and shoot and be a photographer, it’s just finally in it’s rightful place.


If any decisions I’ve made have affected any of you in a negative way, please understand that my finest responsibility is to goals one and two.  I’m not really retired, still at work for Him, but I will try to keep up here, but not at expense of one or two!





the pilgrim