The coming war……..That’s already here……

12 years, 2 months ago 12


There are wars raging around the globe, some for power, and control, some for food, and sustenance, and some because of ageless hatred and animus.  The most widespread war is a spiritual battle for the hearts and minds, of man kind.  This spiritual war has already turned Muslims agains Jews and Gentiles.  It has created a Europe that is vastly non-religous. In America the culture has be devastated as we have become preoccupied with living the good life.  A once dedicated government, dedicated to keeping the peace and staying out of our lives, has turned into the Nanny State.   I read a blog post yesterday from my dear brother  Ian Anderson, a Bishop in the Episcopal Church in At Augustine, Florida. (Link Below)



To quote from his blog entry;


President Obama’s War on Christianity

February 15th, 2012


An old saying says, “It’s not paranoia if everyone really is out to get you.”  Over the last few weeks several reports have been released on federal government actions touching on Christian religious practices.  These reports have made it difficult to defend the notion that paranoia on the part of Christian groups isn’t justified after all.


I am a Bishop in a very conservative Christian Episcopal denomination.  I try and keep Christ in and politics out of the pulpit.  I can’t do it anymore.  The reason being is that Christianity is under attack in this country.  If you remember recently the Supreme Court ruled that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission had overstepped its bounds in applying secular standards to a minister of religion called to work in a church school.  Then the Obama administration decided that health plans provided by Roman Catholic institutions, and which cover non-Catholics, must also cover sterilization and “all FDA approved contraceptives, including those that induce abortion.”   And now the Secretary of the Army has instructed – pardon me, ordered – Roman Catholic army chaplains not to read a letter from Archbishop Timothy Broglio, the head of Roman Catholic military chaplaincy.


Protestant Episcopalians familiar with the Decalogue know that “You shall not bear false witness.”  What does this mean?  ”We should fear and love God so that we do not tell lies about our neighbor…but defend him, speak well of him, and explain everything in the kindest way.”  Things that presidents do are not exempt.  So what is the kinder explanation for the actions taken on the part of the executive branch of the federal government?


Clearly the Obama administration and the liberal left are convinced of the uniqueness of their own moral truth.  The lame argument I hear time and time again about their morality is basically this; “we’re right, because if we weren’t, we’d be wrong, and we know we aren’t wrong.”


Look at the recent issue with gay marriage in California.  The whole argument is that marriage should be redefined as two people of any self-identified sex.  If we can’t get people to agree with us then we will legislate respect even if a majority votes it down. These folks have framed their argument as a question of “civil rights.”  Good heavens what can be more un-American than thwarting someone’s civil rights…unless of course they don’t see things our way.  So, if you really believe this, then you have a moral obligation to stop other people from doing what you know to be wrong.  The Obama administration is doing what comes naturally for people convinced of their own moral high ground – imposing it on everyone else through executive orders and legislated respect.


I hold traditional biblical moral views, which are in conflict with the executive branch on these particular points, and many Americans share my understanding of one particular objective moral truth.  Abortion is the taking of a life, just like murder – which we outlaw – and capital punishment – which we permit in certain cases and states.  We also hold that marriage is between those of the opposite sex and should remain so.  Many not bound by the 8th commandment may feel no compulsion to be honest about what the majority want or believe.  So we are called insensitive and intolerant.


We have is a situation where two groups within America hold serious conflicting moral values.  And because these values are built on fundamental beliefs – both feel they are values which must be imposed on all and not simply left to one’s own personal preference.


I believe the law should have something to say whenever someone’s life is on the line.  To me that is just basic moral common sense.  Others believe that what someone does with their own body (and any other body which happens to be growing in it) should be shielded from government intervention.  Animals with fur have federal protections, yet killing unborn children is okay?  Does this make sense?   It seems that women’s reproductive rights are the most sacred tenet of the left.


I personally believe that Obama is intentionally trying to wage war on Christianity.  The actions of his administration have revealed once again the growing divide in our country between two sets of fundamental commitments and the moral values which arise out of them.  We are not divided on the level of mere politics.  This is not Donkey vs. Elephant.   We are divided on the nature of life itself.  As a Bishop and as a Christian the only hope for any of us is a biblical faith in Christ.  “I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through me.”  (John 14:6)


This country was built on Christian values and principals.  Trust me, there is a movement supported by the current administration to legislate that into the national archives.  It’s time to get active and it’s time to take a stand.


Be heard,


Bishop Ian


P.S.  A friend just emailed me a very interesting quote that I thought I’d share with you….  John Adams said the following:  “Our constitution is written for virtuous and moral people and wholly inadequate for any other. “   Share




God gave us the free will to choose Him, or the world, too many are choosing to walk away from God and what we see today in our society is evidence of where that is leading.  Rampant drug abuse, alcoholism, broken homes, teenage pregnancy, gang murders, record numbers of people that feel they need to carry a  gun for protection.  Kids glued to video games that seldom go out doors anymore, TV and movies that get more and more raunchy and perverse each year.  While all of this has been going on our elected representative, (politicians), from both sides of the isle have spent us into oblivion trying to buy the support of every faction of our society.  Half the U.S. population does not pay taxes, and a vast majority of what the working classes taxes go for is to support the half that do not work, or live  off the federal government programs.  Our national debt is so great their is no hope of paying it off.  We are speeding towards financial disaster.



Where is all this leading?  Short of a massive revival of faith and turning to God, it is only going to an even worse place than it is now, and that is hard to imagine.  Many people are so concerned that they are  making preparation for worst case scenarios.   However you plan to prepare, Step One is the most important;  God has asked you to come into His family, accept that invitation today,  What ever the future holds, I don’t want to be standing with anyone else……  Bishop Ian is right, it’s time to stand and protect our faith…….



the pilgrim


12 Responses

  1. Ian Anderson says:

    Thank you sir… I am honored.

  2. Boris Shusterman says:

    It is my first visit to this site. I knew you as an excellent photographer and teacher. My respect for you doubled! I KNOW now that you are good person. Than you.

  3. Rodney says:

    Most of the time I have no idea how to ‘take a stand’ as the bishop said. In my local area in NC, Planned Parenthood is coming to schools and paying kids $100 to sit in on a talk after school to hear about what they offer. Sickening! Perhpas one way to begin ‘standing’ is to sign the Manhattan Declaration, check out And subscribe to Chuck Colson’s daily Break Point emails to stay informed about religous liberty, or the coming lack thereof. I suppose it will, but how can this word possibly get worse than it already is. Right is wrong, and wrong is right.

    • admin says:

      Rodney, I agree, knowing how to become an activist for our faith is hard, but we must, all that ewe value will be taken away from us if do nothing, I’m starting on my knees and asking God for marching orders!

      • Chin says:

        Both your cards are just gorgeous Sindhu …what a fuoulbas inspiration with such lovely details on both your card …i love the color’s for this time’s theme at IBSIC …so soft and utterly beautiful!!

  4. Rodney McKnight says:

    Amen Brother!

  5. Bill Pritchard says:


    The unfortunate part is many Christians do not want to become involved in the political world. At my church, a retired pastor said we should not becomed involved in politics; we should focus on our faith. While I agree I need to focus on my faith, if we do not take a stand against wrongs who will?

    I know our Lord can overcome anything, but I believe he wants us to stand up and be counted.

    I read your blog everday. Keeep up the good work.
