The threat…….

11 years, 10 months ago 4

In the cold war, the Russians had a plane that was the backbone of the Soviet Block nations, it was very fast, and very deadly, and it was a dangerous enemy.  It was the Mig 21, above. Pilots that had to face it, showed it a lot of respect, but it could be defeated, and often was, but the pilots that flew against it never underestimated it!


We have a formidable enemy as well and he is dedicated to separating us from God, he is a capable enemy, far more powerful than you may think, but he doesn’t stand a chance against our Heavenly Father!  As capable as he is, his powers pale in comparison to your Fathers!


threat |θret|noun1 a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or otherhostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done: 

members of her family have received death threats.• Law a menace of bodily harm, such as may restrain a person’s freedomof action.


2 a person or thing likely to cause damage or danger : hurricane damage poses a major threat to many coastal communities.• [in sing. ] the possibility of trouble, danger, or ruin : the company faces the threat of bankruptcy | thousands of railroad jobs came under threat.


A threat is to be taken seriously, but not feared, if you have God on your side!  He provides a shelter from the vagaries of life, by simply stepping under his out stretched arms of protection!  His protection is given freely to all those that trust in Him!


Live in peace and joy, under His protection!


the pilgrim

4 Responses

  1. Rodney says:

    Just shot a (the only flying) B-29 the other day, and NEVER did the thought cross my mind of the spiritual parallels between a war plane and the spiritual battle’s that Christians face. Good-on-ya mate!

  2. Robert Christopulos says:

    Hi Bill,

    I had read this yesterday, but not had time to respond.

    Most American Christians have no concept regarding the number of threats there are to our lives, our freedoms, our way of life that there are. Without being overly paranoid though, we do need to be aware of the threat. We need to be very aware of the state of war that exists between the forces of good and evil. We need to have excellent lines of communication between us and our Commander, The Lord Jesus. We need to know what weapons God has for us. We need to be able to wield the weapons of our warfare effectively. These are spiritual, not physical weapons. We need to grasp what it is that the enemy is doing, and should also be able to do what The Lord shows us to do at a moments notice.

    Bill, I honestly think that we should also be asking God to strengthen us so that when the day comes we will be able to abandon our homes and possessions, and to do so with the confidence that He is in control, that He has a purpose for us, that we will always be ready to seek His face in times of wealth or of adversity, knowing that the old song is true.

    “This world is not my home,
    I’m just a passing through,
    My treasures are laid up
    Somewhere beyond the blue,
    The angels beckon me
    From Heaven’s open door,
    And I can’t feel at home
    In this world anymore.”

    Blessings Bill, from one old warrior to another. Keep your powder dry and your sights true.


  3. admin says:

    Great song, great message, you’re a great friend!