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13 years, 4 months ago Comments Off on TEch Weekend – Digital Filters

Well guys and gals, I’m safely in rainy, foggy San Antonio. I’m staying at the Marriott Riverwalk above the “Riverwalk”. Tonight I went out on the balcony and shot this scene 28 floors below.
One of the things I’m really loving about digital is that you can express yourself so many ways with software that allows filtering of the original image. The original is above, below I will show some other ways I thought were interesting way to “interpret” the scene. If this is not for you, no sweat,
just don’t do it, it may make you mad at yourself………

And finally, a little later I caught the evening’s fading light and the downtown traffic, hand held thanks to the 16-85 AFS VR lens.

O.K. , Let’s have a little fun? Vote on your favorite, just put it in the comments. Thanks for being out there, and have a blessed weekend……..

the pilgrim

Late entry! Thought the after sunset shot would be fun………….

*Photo Note: all images Nikon D7000 and 16-85 AFS VR lens. ISO 1,600.

13 years, 4 months ago Comments Off on His Light

One day, some time ago, I was photographing airplanes at daybreak. I came upon this Lockheed
12 and the morning light was just incredible, for the first time my understanding of His Light came full circle. I reached out and touched the bare metal and it was cold from the overnight chill,
but the light was warm and inviting.

It helped me to understand how majestically God’s love overcomes everything. While in my quiet time in my office this morning I listened to the radio broadcast of Focus On The Family. It was the third part of a three part series about a man that had been trapped in the ruble of a collapsed building in Haiti. I didn’t hear the first two parts, but the ending was very touching. It was the story of his feeling completely lost and forgotten, the despair that the rescuers would not find him. On several occasions people close to him were rescued, but they didn’t come for him, then he went through another long wait. He feared they had not passed on his location to the next shift of workers. He worried that he would never be rescued.

Many hours later a rescue worker lifted a slab of concrete that allowed the sunlight to peak through. When he saw that light, hope flooded in with that light. I started His Light Ministries because I too have been lost and far from any possible rescue, then I saw the Light, Jesus.
He rescued me, he pulled me from the broken pieces of my life, tenderly carried me away from the danger. He took a long time to just hold me, giving me reassurance that the rescue was real, that I truly had been saved, that I was safe.

Some people don’t like the word “saved”, they feel it is demeaning, that it implies that there is something they need to be saved from. Some people don’t believe they need to be saved, and this is the enemies greatest trick. If you were dying of thirst and were offered water, if you didn’t believe you were thirsty, you would refuse it. The lost are not only lost, they are deceived.

Here is a little test to help break the deception. Do you feel loved, at peace, and filled with undeniable joy, no matter what your circumstances may be? If you don’t, why would you refuse such a gift? Do I feel this peace and joy every moment of every day? No, life presents challenges, and sometimes it takes me a little while to remember that God is in control, that He has already saved me, and that He has a plan. When I remember that, I do experience that peace and joy, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. In the morning I’m flying down to San Antonio for Imaging USA. When I get on the plane the pilot will not call me up to the cockpit to review the flight plan, I don’t need that information, in fact if I had it, I might be concerned every time we turned, second guessing, was he going in the right direction? I’ve flown on hundreds of commercial flights and we always have ended up safely on the ground at the intended destination.
As it turns out the pilot doesn’t need my help, and God doesn’t need it either. If God needed my help, He wouldn’t be God. The best news is God is “never” delayed or diverted, God is in total control, always has been, always will be. If you trust the pilot, you surely can trust God!

As a photographer my craft depends on the light. As a person my very existence depends on
His Light.

the pilgrim

*Photo Note: D700, 70-300 AFS VR lens. Sun n’ Fun 2010. Nik Color Efex 3.0 Glamour Glow filter.
Yes, it looked just as spectacular without the filter………..

13 years, 4 months ago Comments Off on the purpose of the lighthouse

When You Come Back To Me
Jenny Yates & Garth Brooks

There’s a ship out
On the ocean
At the mercy of the sea
It’s been tossed about lost and broken
Wandering aimlessly 
And God, somehow you know that ship is me
There’s a lighthouse in a harbor shining faithfully
Pouring its light out across the water
For this sinking soul to see 
That someone out there still believes in me.

Following up on yesterdays thoughts, there is Hope for a world spinning out of control. Consider
these words in Romans.

Romans 5:1-5  (New Living Translation)
Faith Brings Joy
 1 Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. 2 Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory.
 3 We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. 4 And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. 5 And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.

Faith brings joy. Joy is not happiness. Happiness is dependent on circumstances, joy is not. Joy can be experienced even in the middle of tragedy. God wants what is best for us, in spite of the fact that we think we know what that is, we don’t. Faith is knowing God knows what is best and we can “rest” in that. Let go and let God direct your life.

This is a very difficult concept to understand for anyone that does not know Him. The solution, know Him and know peace and joy. The beacon from this lighthouse is not hard to see, it can even cut through the thick fog in our lives. Know the joy of seeing that light.

the pilgrim

13 years, 4 months ago Comments Off on Dealing with our cares…….

Psalm 55:16-22 (New Living Translation)
 16 But I will call on God,
      and the Lord will rescue me.
 17 Morning, noon, and night
      I cry out in my distress,
      and the Lord hears my voice.
 18 He ransoms me and keeps me safe
      from the battle waged against me,
      though many still oppose me.
 19 God, who has ruled forever,
      will hear me and humble them.

   For my enemies refuse to change their ways;
      they do not fear God.
 20 As for my companion, he betrayed his friends;
      he broke his promises.
 21 His words are as smooth as butter,
      but in his heart is war.
   His words are as soothing as lotion,
      but underneath are daggers!
 22 Give your burdens to the Lord,
      and he will take care of you.
      He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.
There isn’t much need to say anything more. We have cares, concerns, fears. God has the answers and He has promised He will never forsake us. It’s natural to worry and have concerns, but God in His Word says, “Give your burdens to the Lord and He will take care of you.”
We live in trying times, but we are not alone. He is still there, He still cares, and He still has a plan for our lives. This would be the best time to stay connected to Him.

the pilgrim

Photo Note: Cabin shot from Cades Cove in the Great Smoky Mountains N.P. D700, 24-70 AFS lens. Processed with Topaz Psychedelic filter.