Category : Uncategorized

6 years, 9 months ago 19
Posted in: Uncategorized

Pumps monochrome



August 2nd, Wes takes the final step in his treatment.  The Markey Cancer Center team have captured  billions of stem cells from his own blood and they will be reintroduced into his system after one final 6 day chemo treatment calld BEAM.  This will be his toughest chemo and he must remain in isolation for up to three weeks after completing the treament.  Wes is most distressed about being seperated from his children for that long.  Rhonda will be with  him through the whole process and Sherelene and I will have limited, but some time, with him.


My request is simple, pray that this last treatment works as God intends, and give Wes the courage, peace and determination to fight through this one last journey.  His Docs have declared him in full remission, cancer free, this is just the knock out punch to keep it from roaring back!


So, after all you’ve done, I hate to press  you back into service, but if you would, one more time, spread the word and lift Wes and Rhonda and his family up in prayer for the month of August.  If you do, I  will be eternally grateful!


I thoroughy expect to have another incredible victory story to share  with you in September!


Blessings and much thanks,


the pilgrim


P.S.  I read this to Wes to be sure he was o.k. with it, and he said, and I quote;


“Gotta get better, football season is coming!”


That’s my son!!!!

6 years, 9 months ago 18
Posted in: Uncategorized

Hot tub



First let me apologize to anyone that still comes here!  Everyone knows that to keep readers you must publish every day or every couple of days, well I blew that, but good, but…. with good reason!  Between Wes’  battle with Lymphoma and spending more time at home and remembering how much I love and enjoy my family, doing blog entries all of a sudden seemed less imporant!  I started a blog to witness my love for Jesus and how much he loves all of us!  That won’t end, I’ll try to do better!


The photograph above was shot by Wes of his children, my grandchildren, and I in the hot tub with them, one of my favorite places!  We were down in Lexington to support Wes as he starts his last treatment regime’ at Markey Cancer Center.  So first, an update on Wes.  Thank you for your prayers because only God could have pulled off this miracle.  Wes has been declared in full remission!!  He has one last chemo tratment and stem cell transplants and we should be home free.  He feels great, though this last treatment is a tough one he has been up to everything they have thrown at him!  We continue to pray that by early September we can start putting this in his past!


The Future of Workshops!  I have ten events planned with Jack next year, several Fuji Workshops included.  I don’t have any His Light Workshops scheduled but will think about maybe adding a couple.  I do a number of events for Fuji and hope to continue to do that.  I want to slow down some, but I have no plan to stop until the Lord takes me home or my body screams for relief!  So that’s, that!


Fujifilm X-System Updates:  I have been doing  more extensive testing of the lens line and I continue to be more and more impressed with each and every one!!  The new 50mm f 2 continues to amaze me and surprise me, I was pretty sure that it was a useless focal length, I guess I wanted a 70mm so much more, but I have to say, I love the 50mm it really grows on you!


I had a 50-140 f 2.8 but sold it when I realized when flying, which I do way too much, because I came to understand  I wouldn’t fly with both it and the 100-400 and I miss it, but still don’t think I would leave the 100-400 home and take the 50-140.  So it’s best I did what I did, but wow is that lens special!  I recently re-purchased the 55-200 and the 18-55 and I really love both of thoses lenses, they are really sharp and handy!


I’m really looking forward to the 80mm Macro f 2.8 (this fall) and wishing for the long rumored 8-16 f 2.8!!!!!  I did say rumored, I know nothing, honest, except I want one if it ever becomes a reality!!!


Getting close to God!   If you have a friend and you don’t talk to them very often, the friendship never grows much. God is our best friend and the last 6 months, He and I have talked a lot and it is amazing how much better our friendship is going!  If I could be so bold as to offer a suggestion, talk to your Heavenly Father more, that way when you really need Him you won’t be as much a stranger to Him!


Blessings and stay cool,



the pilgrim






6 years, 10 months ago 16
Posted in: Uncategorized

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I am taking July and most of August off to recover from the Spring!   Between Wesley’s illness, Sue Haverstock and Jim’s battle with cancer, and a flurry of other friends facing similiar challenges, my prayer life has become almost non-stop!  I’m not complaining, I owe so many people so mucn for their goting ot war for Wes and I want to support any friend that is facing difficult times.


The older we get the more family and friends face these health issues that start to pile up as the years go by!  It’s not all bad though, I have become so much closer to Jim and Sue, to Wes, Rhonda Elijah and Abigail and all my family members.  I think the worst things that can happen to someone is to get to where we have no time or concern for others, and this year has given me lots of opportunities to grow in that area of my lfie.  The more we pray the closer we get to a  moment to moment relationship with our Heavenly Father.


I want to thank all of you again for your prayers for Wes, he is doing great and his Docs are really pleased at how well he has done, only a little distance left to go and the path looks very good!  Please continue to pray for Sue, as she battles on, and Jim as he supports her fight.  Please lift up Gloria, Deb, Jerry and Reva.  No need to share who these folks are or what they are facing, God knows, but lots of prayers are always better, and trust me, they work!!


I love the line from the scriptute, “It came to pass”  all our earthly troubles will pass and God has it when we have given our hearts to Him!  Enjoy your families, and thank Him everyday that you have them and can enjoy another day with them!


I’ll be praying!


In Him, blessings,


the pilgrim

6 years, 10 months ago 3
Posted in: Uncategorized

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I was talking to a friend on the phone today and he mentioned how much he appreciated my post about what photography had given to me.  I shared something with him that was a little eye opening, even for me!


For the last 47 years I’ve worked very hard to try and become a very good craftsman, dare I say, a great craftsman.  What has that resulted in?  I’ve accomplished my goal and so have thousands of others with the same goal, some have gone further than I have.  So was it worth it?  It depends on how you judge success.


I’ve had a blast, I’ve enjoyed peace, I’ve been challanged and I’ve grown, I’ve enjoyed some standing ovations, and some quiet rooms too!  The work has been a means to and end, actually the end was the work.  Along the way I’ve gotten something more valuable than the images, friends, compatriots, good company, and a “means” that mattered!


Was it worth it?  You bet!




the pilgrim