Category : blog
Ten Truths
- If you’re not making incredible images, it’s not your camera! Almost any camera made today or in the last 10 years is capable of making incredible images, the question is are you?
- Lenses are not consistent – so have a plan! Though lenses are more consistent, lens to lens, than ever before, there are still better samples and less precise ones. Here is my trick, buy form a dealer that allows return within a few days for a full refund or exchange. Keep ordering and testing until you get a sample that you are convinced is up to your standard! Now you can use it with confidence!
- Everything is composition! The success and failure of an image rests on how you handle the elements within the frame!
- There is no such thing as a famous photographer. Elvis was famous, Frank Sinatra was famous, Abraham Lincoln was famous, photographers are only known by other photographers, that’s not famous!
- Unless someone is paying you for your images, you are the only person that has to be satisfied with them! If someone is paying you to shoot, you better make them happy or they won’t write the check, if you’re shooting for yourself, you’re the only judge of your success!
- “Technique beats equipment every time!” That quote is from the incredible nature photographer, Rod Planck, and he is right!
- Self worth is not the result of your art, it’s a result of who you are! Your worth is not determined by your photography skills or results, they are determined by your character, integrity and compassion.
- The best photographic technique is to: Slow Down! You will make the biggest improvement in your work when you slow do2n and take time to think about what you want photogrpahically and how to get it!
- It’s better to really know how to use 2 lenses than to carry 8 and not know! Too much gear is only confusing, it’s best to master a few lenses than to have too many.
- If I thought my photography defined me, I wouldn’t no much about life! “Nuff said”
- It’s wasted money to buy cameras that have features you will never use. Example; if you never shoot sports or action or willed why would you spring for a camera that van shoot 15 frames per second?
- If you judge your work by comparison to others work, you will never enjoy photography! Bad news here; there is always someone better, no matter how good you are, so stop sweating it and have fun!
- The best camera is the one you have with you! This is why an iPhone or smart phone is so valuable, you almost always have it with you and when you need it, you have it!
- If you own it and can’t carry it with you, why do you own it? I’m preaching to myself anyone else that is over stocked!!!!!
- The best accessory to assure sharpness is spelled: T-R-I-P-O-D! OIS (Optical Image Stablization) can help with hand holding no doubt, but real tack sharp images come from using a good solid tripod! Remember there are two kinds of tripods, those that are easy to carry and good ones!
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This entry was posted on Thursday, March 2nd, 2023 at 2:07 pm
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Well, believe it or not, we made it! 28 days of images, not all winners, but I hope you learned something along the way, I sure did. I’m now pumped for Spring and getting out and shooting some more! I’ve tried to interject some teaching along the way and so I will for this last image of the series. Remember that camera, lenses and accessories are only tools for making images. Today I drove up to London Kentucky along with Chester and visited the Levi Jackson Wilderness Road Park. I stopped at the old grist mill to shoot the flowing water, It was beautiful bright blue sky day and I did not have any neutral density filter with me. Shooting a slow shutter speed to blur the water was out of the question with my X-T5. However the iPhone has a Live setting that makes a longer exposure and then can be selected to show the blur of movement all in one frame! It worked!
Photography Post-Mortem: iPhone with the Live setting on and then selecting long exposure!
I’ve enjoyed doing this project and will try to think of something new, for now thank you for coming along!
the pilgrim
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This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 28th, 2023 at 6:49 pm
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I broke the rules today on the 27th day of the challenge, to prove a point! I went out in search of today’s image and only had to drive a couple of blocks from house in the sub-division where we live. A neighbor was flying an American flag and the wind was really ripping! I really wanted this shot, but I knew that shooting just one frame, the chances of catching this shot was nearly impossible. So I used the advantage of my camera that can shoot 15 frames per second in continuous high. I shot 45 frames to get this one! I rarely shoot in continuous high, but when you need it, it works miracles!
Photography Post-Mortem: Fujifilm X-T5, XF70-300 f4-5.6 @ 132mm (198mm equiv.) at 1/3,700th of a second @ f5.6 and IDSO 800. Polarized.
the pilgrim
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This entry was posted on Monday, February 27th, 2023 at 10:14 pm
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Our church family went to the local cinema tonight, as a group, to see the new film, The Jesus Revolution. If you are a believer you must go and see it, if your not you may be by the time you exit the theatre! It was well done film with first class acting and a great TRUE story! Do yourself a favor, get down to the theatre and take this one in!!!!
Photography Post Mortem: Simple iPhone 12 Pro max.
the pilgrim
This post has 2 comments. Click here to read them
This entry was posted on Sunday, February 26th, 2023 at 11:42 pm
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