Category : Pilgrim’s Chronicles

13 years, 5 months ago Comments Off on Tech Friday: My product of the year………

As a consumer, just like you, I have products that impact me in a big way. Working as a Tech Rep for Nikon, I get a lot of questions about our equipment, after all helping photographers is my job.
One of the questions I’ve gotten a lot this year is, what of our new products I’m most excited about.
Truthfully, I’m excited about all of them. The new fast glass, (200 AFS VR II, 24 AFS f1.4, 35 AFS f1.4, and the 85 AFS VR f 1.4), are all spectacular additions to our lens line. Many photographers have had those new lenses on the wish list. The new D7000 is a major jump up in features and performance from it’s closest cousin, the D90. The D90 has been one of my favorite cameras, it’s light, very easy to use, and makes wonderful images, the D7000 is that, and much more. I think in it’s price range it will become one of the most successful cameras ever.

The criteria I used for the personal decision to name the P7000 as my product of the year is how has the product affect my photography personally. I’ve long wished for a small, easy to carry camera that would allow me to make the kinds of images I like to make, even in low light, but not be burdened with a camera bag full of lenses. I know there have been many times Sherelene has wished I could just go to dinner without a tripod and camera bag.

When I first got the P7000 I was impressed by it’s size and the fact that it felt substantial (build quality). The zoom range of 28-200 is more than adequate. The thing that really sold me was when I started reviewing my images. On several occasions I had to go to the EXIF data to confirm that in fact, the image was made with this little camera. We really did it right with this camera, it is
everything I had hoped it would be.

Most important of all it has brought some fun back into a kind of photography I’d lost touch with,
just walking around enjoying seeing the world, and then capturing my favorite things.

Thanks for a great product, Nikon. ( I guess it’s o.k. to be so proud of the company that pays me.)

Thanks Father for this great job. I will spend the weekend with some dear friends in the pursuit of better photography, can’t get much better than that……………

the pilgrim

13 years, 5 months ago Comments Off on Who we are………

I should have written this entry for Veteran’s Day, but I only received this video clip today. It is one of the most powerful things I’ve seen in a while. Before you click on this link, let me share this thought; We often ask ourselves, “who am I?” Only each of us, can answer that question for ourselves. This blog is very much about how we will continue to change what the answer is to that vital question. We are, who we are in relation to Him. The more Christ affects our lives, our thoughts, and our actions the more that changes the fundamental answer of who we are.

As a nation we are the sum total of who we are as a people. I believe, we are basically good,
I believe we care for others, I believe we are willing to make great sacrifices to help those that cannot help themselves. I believe we stand for right, justice, and compassion. I believe we expect the best from ourselves. I believe that the vast majority of us know there is a God and we want to know Him. I believe that even though America has made mistakes and done the wrong thing at times in our history, I believe that no nation on earth has given more, sacrificed more, and paid a dearer price for freedom that have Americans. I believe that as bad as things can be in our world, America has made things better than it would have been, without us. I believe America is worth defending, standing up for, and fighting for to sustain. I believe that in some things we have lost our way, but I also believe we can find our way back to where we belong. I believe because I want to believe, and because I’m not willing to give up on my country, who has never given up on me.

Please watch this video clip, and see if you agree. <>

God Bless America,

the pilgrim

13 years, 5 months ago Comments Off on Please just leave Christmas alone…………….

Well, after all, it is December 1st. Every year around this time, for the last number of years, the atheists and agnostics role out their attack on Christmas. They demand, and even sometimes sue to keep us from using the word Christmas, or display the manger or any other “religious” symbol in relation to Christmas. They would much prefer we wish other a Happy Holiday Season, or spell Christmas,

I know this is America and you can believe and practice your belief of anything, except Christianity. If you practice any other faith, no one will attack you for displaying the symbol of your faith, singing the songs of your celebration, and spell the holiday anyway you would like. Not if you are a Christian. But there is a very good reason for all of this. It’s Christ.
If you use that name or the name Jesus in every day conversation, “some” people will freak out.
Why? Because even the name carries incredible power. Jesus was and is the real deal. Unlike the other characters in history, he was a real man and really God’s Son. If you have any doubt, I challenge you to read the wonderful book by C.S. Lewis called Mere Christianity. In it Lewis tells how he came to the conclusion that Jesus could not have possibly been anyone except who He claimed to be, God’s Only Son. The book makes an incredible case for anyone that cannot accept this without proof.

But why do some people fight so hard to not believe? Simple, if you accept that Jesus is who He said He was. If you accept that He actually died for you, not just for mankind (though He did that too), but for YOU. Then you have no choice but to fall on your knees and lay your life before Him. Many people are running as hard as they can from having to do that. They fear what they will loose, or have to give up. Strange that they don’t consider how much they have to gain, everything.

So my humble advice is, read C.S. Lewis’ book, then have a little talk with the guy you’ve been denying exists, that should just about fix things right up…..

and by the way, Merry Christmas,

the pilgrim

13 years, 5 months ago Comments Off on Obedience is better than sacrifice

It all happened in Mary Helen. It was the most important lesson of my spiritual life, and it’s now my New Year’s gift to you. Mary Helen is a coal camp in Eastern Kentucky. I got myself invited to speak at the little mountain church house for Sunday morning services. I had recently had a major spiritual change in my life and I was overwhelmed with love for my Saviour. “I” decided to go out and do something great for God. I knew God could use my help and I figure I was just the man to help Him. What I was doing was trying to offer God a sacrifice to please Him, problem was, he hadn’t asked for it! You can guess the rest, though I’m usually a very capable speaker, this morning God slapped me on the back and said, “go get em’ tiger….” and them left me alone in the building. With nothing but my own wits it was a miserable failure. Those poor people probably wondered what the babbling fool was trying to say.

After it was “mercifully” over I went to my car and wept. I wanted so badly to give something of value to God, and I had failed. In that soft, still voice I have now come to know as him whispering in my spirit He said, “ I love you son, but the way this works, the only way it will work, is I ask, and you obey, you don’t have to kick doors down for me, I will open them, but wait for me.”

God doesn’t need us to guess about what needs to be done, He already knows. When He says it’s time to move, you can be assured it will work, not because of you, but because of Him.

My dear friend and brother, Scott Kelby has just written a new book, his first foray into expressing
things about his faith, “It’s a Jesus Thing: the book for “Wanna Be-lievers” . It will touch many lives because Scott waited until God said, “It’s time.”

It’s normal to want to do something for the heavenly Father that has given you everything, it’s just critical to wait until He asks, then He will supply everything you need for it to be effective for Him.

Waiting is not waisted time, not when your waiting on God. Sometimes has us wait because the time is not right, sometimes because we are not ready. What’s important is that He knows when the timing is perfect and we’re ready.

Be still and wait for God in 2011, He has a plan, and in His time, He will reveal it to you……………… As you wait, you will be prepared.

the pilgrim

*Photo Note: Dr. Charles Stanley at North Window and Turret Arch in Arches National Park.
Nikon F100, 20-35 lens, Velvia film.