Category : Pilgrim’s Chronicles

13 years, 6 months ago Comments Off on A good reason, to be on an island

I have a confession to make; I don’t particularly like the Caribbean, beaches, or sand, but I love that lady in the picture above. It doesn’t take much observation to see she does! Early in our marriage when things were not going well, my pastor told me, “your problem, young man, is that you think marriage is a 50 – 50 proposition, it isn’t, it’s a 100 – 100 proposition.” If you want a relationship to last, and this one is about to celebrate 41 years, you have to give yourself 100% to the needs and desires of your partner. Sherelene dearly loves the Caribbean, beaches, & sand,
so, once a year, I do too. I don’t hate it, and seeing her smile like that, makes it a lot better.

Love is not, never having to say you’re sorry, love is knowing when you should be sorry, and making the proper amends. When I think of the countless blessings Sherelene has brought into my life, not the least of which are; friendship, fellowship, romance, mystery, constant amazement, pride, respect, warmth, family, and the sheer joy of being with her doing anything, floating in the pool, reading a good book by the fireside, throwing snowballs at each other, or praying on our knees beside our bed. Forty one years sounds like a long time, but it has gone by in several blinks of the eye.

Thank you Father for more than I deserve, or have the right to even ask for. Your graciousness, and mercy are beyond my comprehension. Your love, and forgiveness are gifts of pure grace for which I could never repay You. Accept my life as a down payment.

the pilgrim

*Photo note: All of these images were made with the D7000 and P7000. Yes I waded out in the pool with the P7000, for 64 I still have a pretty good grip.

Well, it does have it’s compensations. Somebody has to help Molly Malones keep the doors open.

13 years, 6 months ago Comments Off on for my friend, Scott Diussa

I’m blessed to have two bosses that are a joy to work for, and “with”. The key to that sentence is the word, with. We all work “for” our supervisors, but if they can allow you to be part of the process, you can work “with” them. Bill Pekala and Scott Diussa can be the boss and still be your friend, a really tricky process. I think, in all fairness, a lot of whether a leader can lead this way is what is the character of those being led. If a person, let’s take me as an example, know that their boss is their boss, but still have personal respect and a joy while working with “the boss”, the whole management thing can work, and work well. Having said all that, I know that Scott loves Ireland, so when Sherelene and I got advise from a total stranger that Molly Malones was the place for breakfast in Red Hook, we gave it a try…. Wow, sure wish I could find that stranger and shake his hand, what a great place to eat.

Before this starts to sound weird, you need to know, that one of the biggest problems for me traveling outside the US is finding food I will eat. I just don’t like experimenting about what I put in my mouth. So most trips I stock up on snacks and eat light at restaurants. Well Molly’s will assure me I can get some great meals in St Thomas. So, Scott as you get ready to go on your big adventure with Michele, here is a sample of the Irish Pub Restaurant I visited for breakfast.

I hope you guys find lots of great places to enjoy like this, though I imagine with a German flavor…
Thanks, Scott and Bill, you make being on vacation, “not “ seven days of dreading when you have to go back to work………

Father, thank you so very much for a wonderful wife to travel with and spend my life with, such a wonderful family back at home, such great people to work with including two great bosses and friends, and your love and forgiveness. Oh, and by-the-way thanks for making these beautiful Islands and aqua water to rest in………. Amen.

the pilgrim

*Photo Notes: All images with the P7000. I told you it was that good……….. All hand held. ISO 400 and 1600.

13 years, 6 months ago Comments Off on Safely in St Thomas

Sherelene and I arrived mid-day and after a hair raising drive cross island on narrow curvy roads driving on the wrong side of the road (or at least seemed that way to me!), we arrived at the Ritz Carlton. It is a beautiful, British Empire flavored Caribbean resort. I’ll try to keep you posted on the week photographically.

The image above is nothing striking, except that it is the view from our suite. The remarkable thing is this is the first bracketed exposure and HDR from the new D7000. The camera is gang busters not the least of which is how incredibly quiet it is. I’m certain that we have never made a camera that is less obtrusive. This camera has a very sweet release and then you are rewarded with very,
very little noise and vibration. Get used to it, you will here a lot more praise heaped on it through this week.

And now some very deserved praise to my Heavenly Father, thanks for this break in the action I know you know I and Sherelene needed it….

More soon,

the pilgrim

No the sky did not blow out in HDR that’s what the sky looks like tonight, sure it will improve
Tomas is still moving away……..

O.k. a little sibling rivalry going on here, the P7000 is insisting he’s pretty special too…….

Flying out of Knoxville early this morning, Coolpix, P7000.

13 years, 6 months ago Comments Off on Tech Friday: the new Nikon D7000 – First impressions

I just received my new D7000 at the hotel last night and I’m excited about taking it to the Virgin Islands next week to wring it out. I can say that my biggest concern was that since we jumped up to a 16.2 mega pixel sensor that the noise would not be as good. I made a few quick shots and they dispelled by fears, at first glance I would say it is wonderful at 1600 and very usable at 3200.

Overall the camera is easy to use, feels substantial without being too heavy. The files look great and the video is spectacular at 1080P. It even auto focuses in video mode, something no one else offers! Stay tuned next week, and I’ll share some real world images from both the D7000 and P7000.

Have a great weekend and stay tuned for more images and fun.

Thanks for the prayers, I’m feeling much better! You guys are the greatest……

the pilgrim