Category : Pilgrim’s Chronicles

13 years, 10 months ago Comments Off on Great friends…..

An old friend dropped by the meeting today and we had a good visit. He asked if I’d had any good seafood in Charleston and I told him I was not a big seafood eater but that wife loved good seafood. He suggested I had to take her to a little out of the way place for dinner and so Sherelene and I did. The See Wee Cafe is a very unique little country store turned restaurant about 20 miles up the road from Charleston. The place was packed so Sherelene went in to get us a table while I parked the car on the side of the road about 50 yards from the place.

When I came in the See Wee Cafe, I saw my wife standing with a table of four, everyone waving. It wasn’t until I got close that I discovered it was two couples that had been great friends back in our early days in Harlan, after we first married. Mike and Carolyn Brock, our one time next door neighbors and best friends, and dear old friends Bill and Carol Moody. What a delight! We had a lot of good laughs about running in to each other so far from home and after all these years.

It turned out that the food was fabulous and seeing old friend only made the evening that much better. I’ve often shared on this blog how richly God has blessed me. This chance meeting with old friends reminded me once again, how long and how deeply God had watched over me. True friends are one of those wonderful blessing that make our lives so much richer, these friends really fall into that category. It was so great to see them again.

If you get to Charleston and have an evening free, run up to the See Wee Cafe, I can promise it will be an evening you will not soon forget. Thank you Lord for another blessed day…….

the pilgrim

* Photo Notes: D90 – 16-85 AFS VR lens ISO 1,600

13 years, 10 months ago Comments Off on TEch Friday: Pocket cameras

Sometimes you want to travel light. As a photographer, the thought of going anywhere without a camera is unthinkable. Fortunately, today there are many small compact cameras that are capable of yielding great results in a very small package. If you are considering picking up a small camera let me make some suggestions to consider.

Most people have only one question when they consider a new camera, how many megapixels does it have? Actually that is far from the most important consideration. I do presentations all over America and I have a half dozen images in my portfolio piece that many people rave about. They always guess that I used something like the D3x (24 megapixels) to shoot them, it’s always fun to tell them that they were shot with a D70 (several generations old 6 megapixel camera).

Far more important than megapixels is color quality and sharpness. Today many small cameras go as high as 14 megapixels and higher! The following list (in order) are what I would look for in a compact camera.

1. Excellent image quality (regardless of megapixels). * Sharp lens/good zoom range.
2. Low noise out to at least ISO 400.
3. Minimum shutter lag and Vibration Reduction feature.
4. Good adjustment of white balance, saturation and sharpening.
5. Wide angle to at least 28mm equivalent.
6. Good automatic white balance.
7. Viewfinder or very good LCD panel for composing.
8. At least 720P movie mode.
9. HDMI connectivity.
10. A reasonable price.

There are quite a few attractive cameras out there that can fill these requirements. Since I work for Nikon I use the Coolpix S8000, it works great for me and is very slim and easy to pocket. Look for
the camera that you enjoy using and you will be a happy camper.

One big advantage to a small camera is most people will pay very little attention to you! Better shots!

Does it make nice images? Judge for yourself………

My best,

the pilgrim

13 years, 10 months ago Comments Off on Something to look forward to…….

Yesterday I asked you if you had something you were looking forward to. Well I have a lot of things to look forward to. The image above is the aerial view of my home airport, Williamsburg-Whitley County Regional Airport. This is one of my favorite views, coming in for a landing.
My new airplane should be delivered by the end of July. I think to say I’m looking forward to it is an understatement.

There are many much more important things than that though. I am looking forward to seeing my grand children grow up, Sherelene and I age, (hopefully gracefully) together, and I look forward to all the people that I may see turn their live to the Lord.

Most of all I’m hoping the day will come that I stand before Jesus and hear Him say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant!” Much has to happen before I can realize that desire. I need to dedicate myself to listening and obeying, praying and studying, waiting and expecting faithfully.

It is good to have something to look forward to.

the pilgrim

This what the new plane will look like!

13 years, 10 months ago Comments Off on No I am not!

Sorry about that, just couldn’t help myself. A country expression for poor, often comes out Po.
When I saw this sign I knew I had to shoot it, o.k. part of it. This morning I want to review with you all the reasons you should know that you are wealthy beyond measure.

Help me out by thinking about and answering these questions;

Does someone love you? (Hint, you know Jesus does…….)

If it rained last night did you have shelter?

Did you have to walk to work today?

In the last 24 hours have you had at least 3 meals?

Do you have something you are looking forward to?

Are you dying from a terminal illness?

Do you know you have been forgiven?

If you can answer yes to those questions you are wealthy beyond measure. Even if you have a terminal illness, if you can say yes to the last question, you’re still in loving hands.

Wealth is not just possessions or currency, it’s a state of well being. Look around yourself today and count all the ways you are fortunate. Now today’s assignment;

1. Tell one person that means a lot to you that you’re glad to have them in your life.
2. Thank God for your health, life, family, friends and His love and forgiveness.
3. Take ten minutes and go off alone and sit quietly and wait on God to assure you of His love.
4. Hug a child.
5. Pet a dog.
6. Try to get a glimpse of the sun setting, and thank God for giving you one more day.

Nope, I’m not Po……………. quite the opposite………

the pilgrim