Category : Pilgrim’s Chronicles

8 years, 8 months ago 4




It’s easy to get so intense about the quality of your work that you loose track of why you got into this in the fist place….fun!  Can you remember that first camera, those first few rolls of film, the excitement of getting those little yellow boxes, (later they were green) and looking at your slides! The color, the joy when it was not too light or too dark.  We did it because it made us smile, and that is what my grandchildren did last night when they saw these little prints rise out of my little white, magic box.


My good photo buddy and Fuji Gal, Dana Ranslem sent me a care package that contained the new Fuji SP-1 Instax Printer and several boxes of instant film.  I shot some images of my little ones and then printed them out and they saw that same magic as their faces appeared out of the white empty print. It was the same joy that I can remember when I first stood over a developer tray and saw, under the orange glow of a safe light, my first prints come to life!!!  They reacted the same way with a smile that spread completely across their faces!  Thanks Dana, and thanks even more for reminding about the magic that started this 46 year journey!






It’ amazing how a little printer and Insatx film can bring back the joy of why we started doing this in the first place, thanks Dana!




the pilgrim


P.S.  …and thanks Fuji for the X-System, those great lenses and all the fun they are helping me have!


8 years, 8 months ago 7



Our Faithful Friends gathering in the Great Smoky Mountains has been great!   Lots of good friends enjoying the park and each others fellowship.  Last night we watched Do You Believe as a group and it was very well received.  What a powerful film!  This morning we shot the sunrise from the Foothills Parkway, and it was a really good sunrise.  Above and below a few images from the shoot.




Lots of great antiques and rust!







as Jake would say, we’re having a Rockin’ good Time!!!





the pilgrim



8 years, 8 months ago 35





A while back I made the announcement about the First Annual Smoky Mountains Photography Summit and it has been coming together at very rapid pace.  Above  is the latest poster and John “Snake” Barrett joined the team after this poster was published, so we now have a great 14 leader team!!!  This is destined to become the Photoshop World of Nature Photographers!  Imagine being in a great natural history setting, (the Great Smoky Mountains), at the perfect time, (the beautiful fall season),  accompanied by a couple of hundred fellow enthusiasts and team of some of the top outdoor/nature shooters & teacher in the field today!


The entire event has been planned so that there is lots of time to fellowship with your fellow shooters, renew old friendships, and make new ones!  Imagine hanging out with three of the top post processing guys in the business; Scott Kelby, Matt Kloskowski, and Jim Begley.  How about spending time with legends like L.L. Rue Sr.  the most published wildlife photographer of all time. Len Sr. published over a million wildlife photographs in his long career, he once had 4 magazine covers on the “same day”!!!  Len Rue Jr, is a RIT trained photographer with tons of credits on his own, including teaching and leading tours and workshops all over the world, a truly great shooter and terrific guy!  Then there is Rob Shepherd, former editor of Outdoor Photographer magazine, author of dozens of photography books, master of Lightroom, and one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet!  A great shooter too!  But wait, it doesn’t stop there, how about Ken Jenkins, Mr. Smoky Mountains himself one of the nations finest photogprahers and a great leader in the Christian faith. Ken’s talks are legendary and his Sunday morning devotional talk with be terrific.  The other great shooter who does a great deal of work in the Smokies is Bill Lea, his book on Cades Cove is the best book out there.  Bill is terrific shooter, and wonderful teacher and highly respected by the entire photo community, we’re thrilled to have someone of  his stature on our team!!!  And then the most artistic shooter in the nature field,  Tony Sweet, Tony is a master of the art of nature photography.  I can honestly say Tony is one of the few shooters I would love to have his vision!!!!  But he is the one that developed and it is really his!!!  Tony will share some of his wonderful secrets with us!


But there is more….  Wilson Reynolds who owns the Tremont Lodge has a long and  storied career in photography and television, His National Geographic Channel show Extreme Adventures in Fishing and Hunting is a hit series.  A long time teacher, Willson is the father of this legendary series!!!  Then Brett Wells is a respected teacher and shooter who represents Sigma lenses, his following is considerable! …and not surprising another great guy!  John “Snake” Barrett is a long time guest instructor for His Light and a highly respected shooter.  His night time photography has been noticed by many experts and his wonderful lighthouse with the Milky Way just graced the cover of Photosshop User magazine.  He writes articles, teaches, and will share with us at the summit break out sessions!


Lastly my teaching partner Jack Graham is one of the best photogprahers and workshop providers in the world today, his tours to Iceland (Ultimate Iceland) are hailed as among the finest being offered by anyone.  Jack is the ultimate teacher and one of the landmark shooters in the outdoor field today.  He was recently made an X-Photographer by Fujifilm Global!  Finally, I’m thrilled to be the co-director of the event and teach some myself!


I hope many of you will make time in your school to attend this soon to be legendary event!!!


….and so here is an early look at the Break-Out Sessions!  All are included in your registration fee!!!




Lots to get excited about, the registration will be limited to 200 and we are already in the 140’s!!!  So if you want in this first historic event, register ASAP!




the pilgrim


Just noticed, the regular Keynote addresses are not in the break session grid.


For now we know Matt Kloskowski delivers the Opening Keynote Wednesday and Scott Kelby the keynote address Friday around 1:00 p.m.  Soon to be announced the evening speaker schedule.



…..and by the way, got my September copy of Popular Photography and was surprised to see this!


8 years, 8 months ago 18

From time to time I review Christian Films to use in His Light Workshops.  I picked up one this morning and got so engrossed in it, that I watched it all the way through.  I enjoy most all the Christian films I review but this one was very powerful and it cut to the chase!  It begged the question, “If you believe, what are you doing about it!”  It went on to back up that questions with some very touching illustrations of how we can show Christ’s love, forgiveness and love.


I certainly plan to share this film, and I can highly recommend you rent it or buy it and buckle your seat belt, it is compelling.




the pilgrim