Monthly Archives: November 2012

11 years, 5 months ago 11


I’m still basking in the glow of the workshop.  Please, let me share something i think is profound with you!  A month or so before we left for the Red rock Adventure a good friend and I had lunch and we had a very interesting conversation.  He is a good man and he is always trying to watch out for his friends and his advise is offered in the best of intentions.  Here is a replay of our conversation;


The friend;   “Do you think that making faith and photography partners in the workshops is a good idea?”


The pilgrim;  ” I do.  I think that since my daily walk is deeply rooted in my faith, I can’t see doing anything that is not closely tied to that faith.”


The friend;  “But think of all the people that it will eliminate from wanting to attend!”


The pilgrim:  “Anyone is welcome, i just want to be sure they know that the spiritual aspect is very, very evident, I wouldn’t want someone to be caught by surprise.”


The friend;  “You do know some people will choose not to come when they learn what the workshops are all about?”


The pilgrim;  “I’m sure that is true, but Christians that want to have fun making images and learning shouldn’t have no place to go that is not in keeping with their faith.  We are providing that.”


The friend;  “Long term,  as a business model, do you think this can work?”


the pilgrim:  “That’s not my concern, it’s His!  I’m to be obedient to what I believe He has instructed me to do, and I trust Him with the outcome, both as a business, and as a mission.  It all belongs to Him, and it’s success or failure is totally in His power.  I will accept His will, just as I accept it day to day, in my life”


The friend; “So you’re going to do this anyway?”


The pilgrim; “Until God tells me to stop!”


The results of our obedience at this last workshop were exciting beyond anyone’s imagination.  God has honored our committment to be obedient to Him. I’ve learned one incredibly valuable lesson, when God calls and ask us to do anything for Him, there is only one acceptable and wise answer, “Yes Sir!”


Charge on………


the pilgrim

11 years, 5 months ago 8

I have to say this workshop was one of the very best ever!!!  We had a great group of attendees and the conditions and light were close to perfect!  Even better the spiritual fellowship was amazing.  R.C. Concepcion did a stellar job and the whole team, Snake, Chuck and Jim were in rare form!  It is such amazing thing when God puts it all together in such a great event.


Having Wesley along and reliving the America From 500 feet project was a real treat for me!  So many great friends joined us and we made a lot of new friends too!    Of special note, Catherine and David Martin joined us and added greatly to the spiritual time.  This is what I dreamed of when Jim and I started His Light Workshops and it has been a great experience from the start!


I’m not doing a commercial for His Light Workshops, but I have to say if you want to have a great time with incredible people, you’ve got to join us!!




the pilgrim


*Thanks for Catherine Martin for the group shot at the top.


11 years, 5 months ago 3

Yesterday was the best day yet at out workshop, not shooting, but spiritually!  A lot of great things happened and some deep sharing took place that will have a life changing impact.  Jim and I want more than anything for people to leave our workshops spiritually renewed, and I feel certain we saw God move in that direction yesterday.  The teaching and sharing has been fantastic.

Thank you for your prayers of support for our efforts in the field, please rest assured that your prayers are being answered!  Please enjoy a few of my favorite shots form the week!





the pilgrim

11 years, 6 months ago 2

This morning our group spent a few hours working the cottonwoods along the Virgin River in Zion and the light was perfect for the rich colors!  The red rock walls of the canyon were a perfect backdrop for the brightly clad yellow trees!  This has turned out to be a stellar group of people, good shooters and even nicer people!  I hope you enjoy the images from today, it was a well needed peaceful morning thinking about the beauty of God’s creation!



God handiwork around every corner!




the pilgrim