Daily Archives: November 14, 2013

10 years, 6 months ago 15

Badwater, Death Valley


Working with Jack Graham is such a treat!  If he was only a wonderful workshop leader, or a world class shooter, that would be enough, but he’s a hoot to work with!  What most folks don’t know is that Jack was, prior to being a shooter, a great musician.  He played trumpet with some big bands, (the Jimmy Dorsey Band),  and artists like Frank Sinatra!!  I love music and when we work together a lot of time spent in the car is listening to some great jazz, which he knows a lot more about than I do!  On this workshop he taught me about resolution in music, something that I have to admit, was new to me.  As Jack explained, music uses tension to hold our interest and then it builds until we get “resolution” and that is when we get happy with the music.  I thought he was pulling my leg until he played some examples.  He was right!  So it got be to thinking, most of the things in our life work the same way.  We work through the tension, (everyday life), and then we are rewarded when we reach a resolution point. Resolution is the healing affect of coming to the “good” part.


Our spiritual lives are the same, we go along lost and wandering around separated from God and His love, then we get it, we wake up, we realize what He is offering us and wham, RESOLUTION!!!  One more great thing that came out of our workshop.  Thanks Jack, I learn something great every time we get to work together!  Now,  if I could just figure out what I bring to the table!!!???




the pilgrim


Some of the work from this week, enjoy!


The Dunes at Stove Pipe Wells, Monochrome


Color version of the shot above.  The Fuji X cameras shoot up to three file types from each release of the shutter, I have mine set for Velvia, Provia, and Monochrome.


Sunrise clouds at Zabriskie Point


Patterns in the dunes, monochrome.


Patterns at Zabriskie Point, early light.