Daily Archives: September 22, 2019
I came across a interesting test on youtube and I would love to see what your thoughts are! Andrew shows a series of images A thru E of a similar shot. Two are from a Fuji X-T3, one in Acros film simulation and one in monochrome, two are from two Leica cameras one a regular color camera that has a monochrome setting and one from the Leica monochrome only camera and the last from a film camera.
It’s easy, get a piece of paper and pen and then play this youtube video writing down your pick from each sequence of shots. I picked my two favorites and the shot I thought was the worst. PLEASE share your results with the rest us and I will do the same!
Be sure to click the full screen symbol to make your selections easier!!!
the pilgrim
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This entry was posted on Sunday, September 22nd, 2019 at 3:20 pm
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