With deep regret…..

9 years, 8 months ago 21


With Deep Regret!

Charlie Sheen is 45 and his story is all over the news because he is a substance abuser, an adulterer, sexually promiscuous and obnoxious.

Lindsay Lohan is 24 and her story is all over the news because she is a celebrity drug addict and a thief.

The same can be said about drug addict Philip Seymour Hoffman who died with a needle stuck in his arm.

Something as frivolous as Kim Kardashian’s stupid wedding (and short-lived marriage) was shoved down our throats, while……..

Justin Allen 23

Brett Linley 29

Matthew Weikert 29

Justus Bartett 27

Dave Santos 21

Jesse Reed 26

Matthew Johnson 21

Zachary Fisher 24

Brandon King 23

Christopher Goeke 23

and Sheldon Tate 27

…are all Marines who gave their lives last month for you.

There is no media for them; not even a mention of their names.

They were young men who most likely came from rural America

seeking a chance to better themselves and to serve this country.

Pray for their families…..



the pilgrim

21 Responses

  1. Anna says:

    Amen!!!! My fiancĂ© is a marine who lost his legs in an ied explosion. I know they lost him 3 times at least and thank The Lord he’s here today. It frustrates me highly that all these men don’t get the credit they deserve. I pray for them and their families often throughout the days. God bless all of them for their service and sacrifice.

  2. Pastor Mike says:

    I’m a photographer for the Army and every day thank God for the men & woman that stand in the gap for our freedom.
    “Freedom isn’t free”

  3. Very well said, Bill.

  4. Doug Haines says:

    Thanks for the humbling reminder Bill

  5. Right on, Bill. I always feel a bit weird when people thank me — a desk jockey — for my service. I had it good; many did not.

  6. david says:

    love your comments. I remember nights while deployed that the only thing between myself and the bad guys were young Marines standing, literally, on the walls. They were and are amazing. I fortunately still work with our service members. A HUGE Blessing and Privilege.

  7. On the flip side of this it would be an omission not to acknowledge how the younger generations now, for whatever faults they have, give our military personnel much more respect than we got in the Vietnam era. It’s as if they make it a point to do so. I was in Washington, D.C. near the White House when the first major antiwar demonstration took place after we went into Iraq. Some people were carrying signs: “Hate the war – Love our troops.” And there was a small counter demonstration. Much to the anxiety of the D.C. police the two lines of demonstrators converged, shook hands, and went back to their respective side of the street. We never saw that in the 70’s! I’d like to encourage anyone who wants a meaningful experience to get involved with their local Honor Flights program — even if it’s just to spend a night at the airport welcoming our vets home from a special day. It means a lot to them!

    • admin says:

      I can’t get through and airport for the need to say thanks to every service man or woman.

    • David Wilson says:

      My apologies for such a late reply.

      My son-in-law is currently deployed in Afghanistan. I’ve heard he may be home by Christmas. If I can get a couple of days notice of his return, I’ll make a short 600 mile trek to his re-entry point to welcome him and the others in his unit that are returning. It will be a privilege to welcome the men and women home. I know they need the support. Their company has lost a number of brave Marines.

  8. Mark says:

    My nephew is a Marine corporal who just returned from Afghanistan in July. He is back together with his young family on the west coast now. I feel sad that some young men just like him never get to return to the lives they left behind in the U.S. Funny when I was on active duty I never gave a second thought to the worst case scenario, but now that I’m older I really appreciate the magnitude of the sacrifice these young people make on our behalf.

  9. Slavomir says:

    Dang true, thanks for posting this.