Another day in paradise…….

13 years ago Comments Off on Another day in paradise…….

God is good, actually God is great. I spent yesterday working my way up to St Augustine from Tampa and had a few wonderful little adventures. I stopped in Orlando to check in with a couple of customers and then went on to Marineland, Florida to see some friends at the Annual Birding Show. We agreed to have dinner later that evening. Above, left to right, Wayne Bennett, Scott Diussa, Ken Blye, and Vinny Colucci all gathered with me at the Gypsy Cab Company restaurant in St. Augistine. What a great time as each guy shared war tales and tall tales around the table. Great friends and a really great meal! It was a nice reminder of how valuable the people are in our lives that we truly care about. Vinny has lost over 60 pounds and has been a real inspiration for me, as well as a dear friend. We both had the chicken breast. Gotta stick to the program…….

On the way out of Orlando earlier in the day I decided to take about forty five minutes to stretch and shoot some stuff at Fantasy of Flight Kermit Weeks has done a masterful job restoring some classic warbirds and other antique aircraft, most in flyable condition.
I had some pleasurable moments trying to capture some airplane art, hope you enjoy them, and hope your weekend finds you surrounded with your family and friends…..

bless you my friends,

the pilgrim

*Photo Notes: All images except group at dinner were D7000, 24-120 AFs VR. Top shot with Nikon Coolpix P300.
Black & White conversions with Nik Silver Efex Pro 2.0.

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