Another great weather day……

9 years, 6 months ago 6


This morning we took our group to Treemont and the conditions and light were perfect again!  The group had a lot of fun shooting water scenes.  I get tickled at non-photographers who comment that they sure bet we wish it was a bright blue sky, sunny day!!  Little do they realize that a light drizzle and heavy overcast may be the best weather and light for shooting fall foliage.  Today’s light really worked but it is turning very cold int he Smokies.   They are calling for snow tomorrow!!!!  Can’t wait to see that, snow on fall leaves in the Smokies, wow, how good can it get!





If we get the snow, you will see it here!!!!





the pilgrim


*Photo Note:  everything this week – 18-135 Fuji zoom


6 Responses

  1. Anna says:

    I love smokys pictures. However, I’ve lived here 23 years about 15 min away and never been. 🙁

  2. Bill Fortney says:

    Shame on you, you need to visit this. Park!!!!!!

  3. Valerie says:

    Looking at your pictures I feel as though I should have stayed. They are beautiful. We arrived home last night after four days in the smokies. I recognized my favorite spots in Tremont. My husband always wants to get there at noon and only go on a sunny day. The heavens were good to me this time though. As the clouds rolled in around noon. I related to your comment about how people, including my husband always wish for a sunny day. I Wish I was there for the snow. Enjoy the beauty the good lord provides us as I sure did while we were there.

  4. Johnny Boyd says:

    What a glorious day for photography……. low fog in the Cove this morning coupled with a very interesting set of clouds at sunrise……. and finishing the day shooting in the rain until the exposures were just getting too long. Seeing a guy standing in the rain along side the road, with his arms straight out shielding the lens, folks driving by must have thought, what a moron that guy is just standing in the cold rain just to take a picture. Only if they knew the rewards.

    Hoping for snow day.