Rivers of Living Waters……

9 years, 6 months ago 2


After a long day in airports, getting to Las Vegas,  I’m tired, but excited!!  This fall has put a big punctuation mark on this year’s workshop season! Great groups, wonderful events and incredible conditions.  I want to thank my dear friends, Jim Begley, Jim Haverstock and Jack Graham for three great events, and tomorrow night Jack and I open number four!!!  I’m especially excited to be in Nevada for Nelson Ghost Town.  We, Jack and I,  drove out to the site tonight and it is better than ever.  The owners have made a lot of changes that will add a ton of shooting locations.


A lot of prayer and hard work have gone into this season and we are planning more great events in 2015.  In late November we will update the events list for next year and it is exciting with some new events coming to the schedule!   Stay tuned and thanks for joining us here at the Chronicles!




the pilgrim


By-the-way:  Thanks for supporting the eBook store!!!  We exceeded over 700 downloads this week!



Customer Comments:


” Bravo, I finally understand the foundational principles!”       Pete R.


“I bought all nine books and can’t believe how much information I bought for such a reasonable price, they are a bargain Bill.”   Susan T.


“You were telling the truth when you called them, Cut to the Chase!  Just the most important information, nothing else!”   Jane C.


“The images alone are well worth the price!”   Sam Q.


“Can’t wait for future books, I’m hooked!”   Elaine W.



2 Responses

  1. Mary says:

    I’m enjoying re-reading all the Cut to the Chase books. They are terrific. Can’t wait for the next round.