You can’t give…what you don’t have….

9 years, 5 months ago 3


My pastor preached a sermon on Sunday about giving.  As we enter the season of giving, I have put a lot of thought into that sentence!  Let me approach it from a spiritual perspective.  I think there are basically two kinds of people, those that care about others, and those that don’t.  That may seem harsh and judgmental, but we have all seen and known people that truly think of others almost all the time,  and and others that seem to seldom consider anyone but themselves.  Those that truly have little concern for anyone else are some of the poorest people I know.  The richest people I know have invested themselves fully in others.


So what does this have to do with giving gifts?  The greatest gift we have to give is love, which is concern, and which is compassion and grace.  After all those are the greatest gifts our Heavenly Father has given to us.  Christmas is the celebration of God’s love for us.  He loved us so much that He sent His only Son to teach us, and then die for us, that we might be forgiven and saved!


I used to wristband that has the initials WWJD, (What Would Jesus Do?)  We we don’t have to ask because we know what He did!  He spent His entire life on earth reaching out to those that needed what He had to offer.  A redeeming love.


Whatever else you give those you love, and care about for Christmas, give them the best gift mankind ever received.  Love.  For those that don’t seem to care, love them with an extra measure of love, that is how Jesus won their hearts.




the pilgrim

3 Responses

  1. Bill, this is one of the finest things you’ve ever written.
    I must confess that sometimes I get frustrated with the “religion business.” Somehow theologians, preachers and others have taken simple commandments and truths and embellished them to the point of confusion, division and worse. WWJD is a great reminder — but probably should begin with WDJD — “What DID Jesus do?” (Hint: One thing he did NOT preach is “Praise the Lord and send me the money.”)
    Jesus was all about faith, service, sacrifice, forgiveness — and love. Simple truths.
    Thanks for the best post you’ve ever made. Love you, bro.

  2. Ken Piros says:

    Amen !!!