5 Great Products We Got in 2014

9 years, 4 months ago 2




2014 was a high water mark for new photography products!  Here are five that I think were game changers!


1.  Nikon’s new D750.  Nikon has produced some fantastic full frame cameras, but for me the D750 makes the most sense.  A solid body, great features, and a more than enough, 24 mega pixel  sensor.  Few need a D810 or as D4s, but the D750 can do it all and is reasonably priced!  This is the  the real deal.


2.  The Fuji X-T1.  This is the camera that changed it all for me.  I was very pleased with the Fuji X-System but when the X-T1 arrived, and it is such a great camera, for me, that was it!  I have a pair and use them for everything!  If you want to save weight and have great old world controls, this is the ticket!


3.  Canon hit a major home run for their users with the release of the Canon 7D II.  This is one terrific APS-C size sensor camera.  While I don’t shoot Canon, a number of my friends have the camera an they are all raving about it’s performance and image quality.  For sports shooters this is a tremendous camera!  10 frames per second!


4.  The Fuji 50-140 f 2.8 OIS telephoto zoom is with out question the finest lens I’ve ever shot.  Not only is it beyond tack, tack sharp, the Optical Images Stabilization really does give you sharp images  over a 5 stop range.  I have images at 140mm (210mm equiv.) shot at 1/8th of a second that are tack sharp!!!!!!  Proof?  Check the image below of a small Christmas ornament about 1 inch across!


5.  The Fuji X100T is the third generation X100 from Fuji.  From the opening gate this had been a major hit.  Not for everyone, but definitely for those that love rangefinder type cameras!  You can’t touch this kind of build and image quality without spend multiples of thousands more.  When Zack Arias called it the greatest camera ever made, he just might have been right!!!!


If you are a Nikon shooter, a Canon shooter, or a Fuji shooter, you’ve got some great new products to image with in 2015!




the pilgrim


1/8th of second at 140mm (210) Equiv.  “HAND HELD”






2 Responses

  1. Johnny Boyd says:

    Lets not forget the new M.ZUIKO 40-150mm f2.8 PRO for us (maybe just me around here) that also shoot Olympus as I shoot both the X-T1 and the Olympus E-M1. I love both of these guys for different reasons/situations except for having two of everything and having to remember how to use both systems as they are very different.

    Bill I hope you and your family have a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!

  2. admin says:

    Thanks Johnny, same to you and yours! Yesterday that lenswouldhave been #6! I shot and testes the Fuji flagship E-M1 and was very impressed indeed. Happy New Year, Johnny!