Wind in my sails

13 years, 1 month ago Comments Off on Wind in my sails

It’s a term that goes all the way back seafaring travelers of the past, for me it also goes to my being a powered parachute pilot, we often call our chutes a sail. This morning it applies to yet a third thing, God has placed wind in my spiritual sail. Next week after I’m paroled from golf prison I have the incredible pleasure of doing a workshop with a group of truly great people, many of whom I have the honor of calling friends. The anticipation of that fellowship palatable. I want to openly thank God for His generous blessing of these friends.

Jim Begley is my co-leader and one of the finest men I know. Jim is a gentle spirited, soft spoken guy that carries a huge photographic stick. Jim is wonderfully blessed with great talent and has
a servants spirit, with his willingness to share. Jim has become a dear, trusted, admired, brother,
and one of my favorite people to just hang out with in the field.

Homer Fortney is my only remaining immediate family member, my brother (both genetic and spiritual), and one of my very best friends in the world. I never get enough time with Homer and to have him coming to the workshop thrills me to no end. Homer is a man of many talents and I love him dearly. He’s a great shooter with camera or a gun.

Ricky Skaggs has been a true gift from God for many people, including me. A supremely talented musician, and performer, 14 time Grammy winner, but to me he is just, Ricky, my brother, fully devoted to the Lord. Many people talk a great game, Ricky lives it every day, it is a pleasure to call him a friend and brother. Ricky is also a very, very good shooter and getting better everyday!

Jim Haverstock is one of those Christian brothers that can simply make your day just by standing next to you in the field shooting. Jim has the most beautiful spirit, and exudes God’s endless love.
Every time I get to be with him it makes my day. As shooters go, few can top him.

Ron Pinkenburg has been a very close friend for many, many years. Ron’s character and wisdom were a guiding light to the Great American Photography Weekends for most of it’s existence. Ron is the kind of man that if you were ever in trouble you would know that your call to him would not go unanswered. Once again, a very capable photographer.

Chuck Barnes and John “the Snake” Barrett, have become close associates and wonderful co-leaders to Jim and I. They both have talents and abilities that would make any workshop provider proud, great guys too. I appreciate their wonderful service to my participants and their impeccable shooting skills. Chuck is a killer sports shooter and Snake is a wonderful generalist.

Tim Isaacson is a dear buddy and the photo instructor for Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia.
Tim will help us with one of the next American Series slated for sometime next year at Lynchburg!
Tim is very good shooter and wonderful guy that all our attendees will enjoy getting to know.
Tim is, like Jim, a soft spoken guy, but well worth getting to know as a friend.

The attendees at this event include some of the nicest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of having at any kind of event. To a person, they are talented, generous, and imminently likable. I know that they will learn a great deal from each other as they are all very talented photographers.
I simply can’t tell you how excited I am to be with each one of them……

So why am I going on like this. It’s called praise. I thank God everyday for an incredible wife and partner, a loving family, and friends that are more precious than any earthly treasure. Great friends and associates. I read in a book recently that a man only needs three things to have happiness; (1) Something to do, (2) someone to love, and (3) something to look forward to. God has given me all of that, and His love, and that has turned my happiness into peace and joy……..

Today’s Prayer; Father, thank you so very much for the countless blessings you have bestowed on my life and my loved ones. I thank You for the opportunity to serve You by reaching out and loving others with Your never ending, eternal love. I thank You that when I was not worthy of Your love, You still gave it freely to me. It is way beyond my comprehension that You could love us so much and bless us so deeply. I know I will never be worthy of your grace, but Father use me to reach those that don’t know you and encourage them to come to You and give their lives to You for Your safe keeping. Father, please bless and protect each person that is coming to our workshop, please cover them with your protection as they travel, protect them spiritually, and prepare their hearts for what You have in store for them. Amen

the pilgrim

*Photo Note, Yep, D7000 and 24-120 again……..

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