A little Tuesday laugh…….

9 years, 2 months ago 17




Researchers for the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority found over 200 dead
crows near greater Boston recently,




And there was concern that they may have died from Avian Flu.


A Bird Pathologist examined the remains of all the crows, and, to
everyone’s relief, confirmed the problem was definitely NOT

Avian Flu. The cause of death appeared to be vehicular impacts.


However, during the detailed analysis it was noted that varying
colors of paints appeared on the bird’s beaks and claws.


By analyzing these paint residues it was determined that 98% of
the crows had been killed by impact with trucks, while only 2% were killed
by an impact with a car.


MTA then hired an Ornithological Behaviorist to determine if
there was a cause for the disproportionate percentages of truck kills
versus Car kills.


He very quickly concluded the cause: When crows eat road kill,
they always have a look-out crow in a nearby tree to warn
Of impending danger.


They discovered that while all the lookout crows could shout
“Cah”, not a single one could shout “Truck.”



Smile, the Iranians will soon have the bomb!  The Democrats are idiots…..  I’m sorry, but I’ve had it with this politics at such a critical time.  I had to tell a joke, I’m FED up!!!!






the pilgrim

17 Responses

  1. Dennis Mook says:

    Just what I needed today. Thank you Bill.

  2. Donald Rounds says:

    The government needs a new (tax payer paid) program to increase the verbal skills of crows. It might cost us 2.1 billion dollars but crows are worth it.

  3. Paul Streu says:

    Yep, a little humor, just what the doctor ordered. There will be a requirement for truckers to sound their air horn on spotting a crow until a government funded program can develop a system that will humanely catch and release the crow to the side of the road. All trucks will be required to have them installed. There will be government subsidies to cover this. Right on about the politics, Bill. How do we keep electing these idiots. Looking forward to seeing your presentation in Peoria.

    • admin says:

      Can’t wait to be with you guys, studying my program right now!
      Please come up and introduce yourself!

  4. Jack F says:

    Amen to that Bill!
    God has blessed America because we have blessed Israel. I sure hope the Dems don’t screw that up. Because we both know what the opposite of that means! Scary thought!

    May God continue to bless America and God bless Israel! And thanks to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!


  5. Joshua Boldt says:


  6. Wade Marks says:

    There is so much wrong with this post that there is not enough time to respond with all sufficient rebuttal. So I will hit the high points:

    1) Who says Iran will soon have the bomb? Do you have access to intel that the rest of the world does not? If Democrats are idiots, then Republicans are morons. Republicans only know one thing these days, and that is play on fears and ignorance. Remember, Republicans told us Saddam Hussein had all these chemical and biological weapons, and was approaching nuclear capability. We see how that went and the lives that were spent. Democrats are containing Iraq, but the diplomatic disaster of the Bush administration still lingers. Republicans have no solution, except the thought of another disastrous war in the Middle East. For those who do support that, they should answer if they are willing to send their children or grandchildren to fight such a war?

    2) Democrats vigorously support Israel. But support doesn’t mean unconditional agreement and approval of everything Netanyahu wants. Since when did the leadership of Israel, or rather one particularly right wing leader, become so infallible? Maybe we help Israel more by helping them restrain themselves. The Israeli people are souring on Netanyahu.

    3) Since when did it become the duty of Christians to blindly support the Republican party, or any political party? Since when did it become the Christian thing to do to always rally for more war, more military involvement? Last I checked Jesus had some strong words for those who believed they could solve problems with violence and force. Jesus is known as the Prince of Peace, not War. And while we are at it, let’s not forget that many Republicans support the use of torture. Let’s remember that Jesus was tortured, and I cannot fathom Jesus ever supporting the use of torture. So when did it become a Christian thing to so solidly support the Republicans? Republicans like to call themselves pro life but it is not pro life to just be for more war, and it is not pro life to be for torture.

    As I noted, I could go on with more rebuttal but I want to keep this relatively brief. The bottom line is this: Democrats are flawed, but so are Republicans. I would be surprised if any party has a monopoly on truth or being correct on everything. And some Christians do themselves a disservice by so completely associating themselves with the Republican party, which in no way represents Christianity.

    • Jack F says:

      You sir are a typical democrat! Blamming the republicans for everything and acting like the Dems make no mistakes! What a bunch of spinning you do! It was NOT JUST THE REPUBLICANS who said Saddam had WMD’s. Bill Clinton himself said they did!
      STOP spinning the truth please.
      I have proof of what I say!
      What say you about this?:

      • Wade Marks says:

        Jack, first of all notice I never said that Democrats were flawless, I admitted they were flawed, but that Republicans were also flawed. My point is against acting like the Republicans make no mistakes.
        As to the Saddam Hussein false WMD claim, let’s just say this: only one president took us to war against Iraq based on those claims, and that president was a Republican. So sure some Democrats said Saddam had WMD’s like virtually every Republican; but the ultimate litmus test is in action, and it was Bush that took us into a disastrous and costly war.

        And as what I see as a serious flaw and yes, a sin, it was that Republican administration that reversed US policy and instituted a program of torture. Most Republican leaders today still defend that use of torture. I see that as inexcusable as a Christian, esp. given that Jesus himself was tortured.

        But again, my overall point is that neither party is flawless, especially from a Christian perspective. My other point is that Christians should be the ones known as the peacemakers, but that too often some Christians align themselves more with the Republican party than with scripture. I know some Christians that listen to Rush Limbaugh and Fox News more than they read scripture or listen to their pastors, and take it more seriously to boot.

        So please do not misinterpret me: both parties are composed of flawed human beings, and thus both parties will have serious flaws in their leadership, their policies, etc. But as Christians we should not give our souls to the Republican party.

    • admin says:

      One point on which we both agree, we are all flawed.

      • admin says:

        Let me make one point regarding the Democratic Party. Not you Wade, but your party. if I belonged to a club, and the club, as part of it’s By Laws supported:

        Choosing a woman right to her body over the right to Life.

        If that club answered all serious questions with and accusatory rebuttal instead of an honest answer.

        If that club supported open borders principally to gain a political advantage.

        If that club harped on torture to protect our citizens, but was unwilling to put and end to ISIS who burn people alive and cut off people’s heads ( I think i would call that torture).

        If that club held up as their standard bearer, someone as coniving, ruthless, shallow, and patently dishonest as HC! Come on, cattle futures, personal emails, and “What difference does it make now!”

        i would resign from that club!!!

        We are what we support, we all need to ask ourselves what do we stand for.

        • admin says:

          One last thought…Read Tuesday’s blog entry. I’m tired of having the left accuse Christians of aligning with any political party. I am a conservative Christian and I’m put out with the Republican’s too, it’s just that they hold closer to the line of what I believe. The Democratic party of 20 years ago was an acceptable political philosophy, but today’s party has been hijacked by the extreme left. Any party that goes that far left is not my cup of tea.

        • Wade Marks says:

          Bill, thanks for your courteous replies and willingness to allow dialogue. However, most of what you accuse Democrats of the Republicans are guilty as also.

          For instance, “answered all serious questions with and accusatory rebuttal instead of an honest answer.” That practically defines politicians of all stripes, including Republicans. That is not a trait peculiar to one party.

          As to using open borders for political advantage, well, what about using fear of people who are different to political advantage? You see it cuts both ways. And I believe that there is merit to showing compassion towards illegal aliens and their families. I believe, like many pastors, this is the right thing to do. We can disagree, but don’t pretend both parties don’t try to use this for their own political advantage with their respective constituencies.

          As to putting an end to ISIS, well, the President is seeking Congressional authority to use force against ISIS. But it’s naive to think that we can use military might to stomp out all evil everywhere. Why not invade North Korea then? Why not invade Russia? You see this can become a neverending game of war with no winners. And again, since when was it the Christian thing to always advocate for war and use of military force? We win by being the army of compassion and hope in the world. Sometimes force is necessary, but never as the best or first solution, and certainly not as a global solution to ending evil.

          As to conniving, ruthless, shallow, etc… well, Republicans have had their fair share of those politicians as well. There was Nixon, Iran-Contra during Reagan, the deceipt leading up to the Iraq war, etc. As to private email accounts, well that has been used by Scott Walker, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Rick Perry, etc.

          Bottom line: both parties are composed of people who are largely self serving and pretend to be otherwise.

          I will also note that when the dreaded Bill Clinton left office, he has raised billions of dollars for charitable work across the world, whereas the Republican ex presidents tend to just pad their own pockets.