I’m FED up!!!!!

9 years, 1 month ago 30



It all started this morning, no that’s wrong!  It all started when I first realized what our federal government is all about, not what they taught us in Civics class, or what I saw in movies about our founding fathers, but this pile of garbage we have now!!!!!




Former Senator, Majority Leader, Harry Reid admitted in an interview that he lied about Romney’s taxes before the election.  How does he feel about that now?, “He didn’t win did he?”  and this with a smirk on his face, that man was born with a smirk on his face.  Yet the main stream media will slobber all over him when he officially retires, give me a break!  Lying, stealing, double crossing, back biting, thieves!!!   All of them, both parties, and they are stealing from you and I!!!!


I go to the post office today to get my passport renewed, I had to make a reservation a month ago to get “worked” in!  I show up and was informed that I am to fill out the form, I was handed month ago, and send it in with passport pictures and a check for $110.   First I had to make an appointment to be told what the form said I “could” do.  The lady was nice, but she still didn’t do anything but tell me both sets, yes two sets of passport images were “slightly” and I do  mean “slightly” the wrong size!!!  One a hair large, one a hair small.  So for $15. she made another set that was just right!, and made me look like I just got paroled?!^%$#^@@%!#   Now the $110. fee for a passport renewal.  I fill out a two page form that they already have on file, submit pictures that I paid for, and they will reprint the first page of the passport from the computer file they already have, put in the image I supplied, and charge me $110.  …..and it will take as long as they need to, “get around to it!!!!”  This is what we pay taxes for?????


Let’s see the President is, without any input from congress, who by our constitution holds the right to treaties and international agreements, is making an agreement without any input, and we, the Ameircan people, don’t even know what we are agreeing to!  With a country no less, that has vowed to destroy both Israel and us, an d their leader said, this week, the one unbending principal they will not break, is destruction of us and Isreal!!!!  Are we crazy!


I could go on, let’s just say this has been a lousy Thursday, but tomorrow is Good Friday, think things will be looking up, but not in Washington!!!!




the pilgrim




30 Responses

  1. Rene says:

    I agree with everything you say. It’s getting way too crazy, these politicians supposed to work for us. I pray the church wakes up soon
    God bless you pilgrim.

    • admin says:

      We better, it is spinning out of control, well God has it all under control, but it is scary to watch how far afield these people are going! Then again if God is in control what have iIgot to be scared of, confusing isn’t it!!!!!

  2. Rene says:

    Yes it is my brother very confusing.

  3. Rene says:

    Hi Pilgrim, I’m Rene’s wife….being a woman, I thought I would put my two cents in. You’re absolutely right about our government, however, we are to blame as well, because while you and I may NOT have voted for Obama, many Christians (believers) did. they ignored all of the signs, which he openly declared…there were no secrets about who he is and what his agenda was. With regards to the politician’s currently holding office…for the most part, they are all snakes in the grass! They do not serve the people, but rather themselves. From the highest offices in the land…supreme court as well, we have elected them and now we must reap what we have sowed. The only hope for America is Chronicles 7:14! Christian MUST rise up and support those men of integrity that are running for office. Christians must speak out against this liberal agenda going crazy across this country…if we don’t then you’re right, we will have lost our freedoms. Constitutionally and religiously.
    Have a blessed day~ Miriam

    • admin says:

      You are absolutely, positively, un-reservedly right, and I’m hoping many of us take your advice and follow scripture!

  4. I agree with Miriam. We are Lemmings. Over 50% of our population is being taken care of by the very Government that is at the same time taking us down the path self-destruction. Most are woefully uninformed and those who do pay attention are brain washed by a media that has an ideology far different then what this country was founded on.

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely. I think some of the politicians run because they do see what’s happening and what to make a difference. But our election system makes whores out of them and they are so beholding to special interest groups they have to conform. Once elected they can only do what it takes to get reelected.

    Our system is broke and we do nothing. I feel powerless and fearful of the future.
    Blessings to you Sir on this greatest of all occasions, the resurrection of our blessed Savior.

  5. Lance Lemke says:


    Again a great post. I agree entirely. All a person would have to do is look at history to see where this is all taking us. A Democracies fail when they lose rule of law, faith, and become totally involved with themselves.


  6. Myles says:

    Mr. Fortney:

    It seems that now, more than any other time in our short history as a nation, we need to fall to our knees and pray.

    “Then if my people who are called my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land”
    2 Chronicles 7:14

    I know that if we follow the promise above, the Lord is faithful to his word. However, I also know that the times we are living in now have been determined from the beginning of time. The Lord is in control. He is Love and He is Just. His Justice will prevail over the Prince of this world. We must be faithful to his mandate of the great commission. To go forth and share the gospel to a hurting and lost world. So that on the great day of the Lord our fellow believers will be with him forever and ever.

    • admin says:

      That is the plan, if we will only follow it, I am, you are, and I beg others to join us!

  7. Wade Marks says:

    This is selective outrage. As I’ve noted before, both parties are pretty good at lying and misleading the people.

    As to your passport issue…first world problem. And oh yeah, that $110 is a fee that you pay because taxes don’t cover it. It’s a fee passed on to the user, not a tax on everyone. And ironically, if you want a more efficient operation you need to pay more for that. Nothing comes free. Most government offices are overburdened because people don’t want to pay for anything better. And yes it takes a lot of money to administer a govt to a country of our size.

    As to the Iran deal, let’s be glad we have a President who favors diplomacy over war. We saw what happened when Bush favored war over diplomacy. And Iran’s position in the world was strengthened because Bush decided to invade Iraq, which was a counterbalance in the region to Iran. Iran owes a debt of gratitude to George W. Bush. And talk about a waste of taxpayer dollars: the bill for the Iraq war is over a trillion dollars, and for what? A disaster, a debacle, one that weakened our hand and cost the lives of many people, and made Iran’s strategic position even stronger.

    Iran’s new leadership shows signs of being more moderate than their last leaders. I remember when Ronald Reagan was actually criticized by the hardliners in his own party for daring to strike a deal with the Soviet Union when Mikhail Gorbachev came to power. Hardliner Republicans criticized Nixon for going to China and normalizing relations. It’s the same case here. Some people just won’t be satisfied by anything less than war, which is very very sad. Thankfully most of the time these warmonger politicians don’t get their way.

    Here’s what else bothers me: that the Republican party stands in the way of making progress on climate change, and embraces willful ignorance on the issue. That the Republican party wants to take healthcare away from millions. That the Republican party wants to pursue some foolish notion of deporting all undocumented immigrants and split up families in the process.

    The best thing I ever did as a Christian was abandon the Republican party. My conscience rests at night. The Republican party to me stands for many things that go against Christianity: war, denial of healthcare, not caring for the poor, not caring for the environment, etc.

    Now I respect that you probably disagree with me on these issues. But my point is that the world is more complex than just simply one party is all correct, the other party is all wrong.

    • Carl from Oklahoma says:

      Wade, have you by chance read “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder” by Michael Savage? Give it a look, it will help you understand yourself better.

      • Wade Marks says:

        Carl: with all due respect, Michael Savage is a total extremist, and to me he seems unhinged. Anyone who writes a book called “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder” is out of touch with reality and not seeking to do anything except make a few bucks from those who already agree wtih him by being as incendiary as possible.

        As to the concept of liberalism…why is that a dirty word? The word comes from the Latin term for “free” or “freedom.” Are you aware that our founding fathers were considered liberals in their day? Adam Smith was considered a liberal in economics for advocating capitalism? Abe Lincoln was considered a liberal for advocating an end to slavery?

        How would you react if I recommended to you a book called something like “Conservativism is a Mental Disorder?” Really? And Michael Savage? This guy is crazy.

  8. Homer Fortney says:

    Anyone running short on Cool Aid stop by Wades’ house. He seems to have an abundant supply.

    • Wade Marks says:

      I’ll be more than happy to serve surgary drinks in very nice cups! 🙂

      Again, I respect your right to disagree. But please don’t be insulting. Remember, that to a vast number of people, your views on these issues seem like “Kook Aid.”

      There is a term in cognitive science called “confirmation bias.” Basically it means that people tend to search for and interpret information in a way that confirms ones preconceptions. Rather than start with facts and form a conclusion, one starts with a conclusion and then misinterprets or distorts or ignores the facts.

      An extreme form of confirmation bias is called “epistemic closure.” This is the tendency for people to gather information only from closed systems consisting only of other people / media outlets, etc. who have the same political views. In this way empirical evidence is ignored.

      My point is this: we all suffer from the tendency for confirmation bias, and so it is good to seek out those with differing opinions, who can challengue us. The odds of any of us being perfect in any subject are zero. Happy Easter!

      • Carl from Oklahoma says:

        Wade, you are just dead wrong. I wonder what happened in your life that your mind is so afflicted with the disease of liberalism.

  9. Bill Fortney says:

    Homer, it’s not kook aid, it’s industrial strength Karo syrup! Chamberland had the same viewpoint, and we all know, including the left, where that led! I espectfully totally disagree with Wade’s position, and will do so until Obama, makes it impossible for me to do so! Fortunately He is risen for all of us!!!!!

  10. Bill Fortney says:

    Kool Aid, no inference intended, bad early morning typing!

  11. Homer Fortney says:

    “But please don’t be insulting”……are you kidding me!!! After you said the things you did! ………….”Here’s what else bothers me: that the Republican party stands in the way of making progress on climate change, and embraces willful ignorance on the issue. That the Republican party wants to take healthcare away from millions. That the Republican party wants to pursue some foolish notion of deporting all undocumented immigrants and split up families in the process.

    The best thing I ever did as a Christian was abandon the Republican party. My conscience rests at night. The Republican party to me stands for many things that go against Christianity: war, denial of healthcare, not caring for the poor, not caring for the environment, etc.”
    Let me be clear. It is my opinion that people with your beliefs are destroying a country that I love. This is based on 65 years of living and observing the changes in morals our country has undergone.
    The “fact” is that Obamacare is a disaster. And this is from one that has spent 40 years+ working in the health care industry.
    The “fact” is that I work in a federal prison and see daily the kind of people we are welcoming with open arms from south of the border. I have no wish to break up families, but we need to secure our border from drug cartels and terrorists.
    The “fact” is that climate change is a natural process. And all the tree huggers and ecoweenies can do nothing to change it. And the figures that the left publishes to support their claims are a great example of “comfirmation bias”.
    The “fact” is that by following the democratic plan of helping the poor we have created generational
    poverty where there is no incentive to better ones station in life because the government will provide all services. No only are we hurting the poor but we are doing it as a penalty on those that actually work and provide services in life.
    And as to War, I am grateful that your kind wasn’t around in great numbers during the World War II period. And I can only pray that we can understand as a nation that you can’t sit around a camp fire singing “Cumbaya” with a bunch of Islamic Extremists.
    In short let’s just say that I was offended by your post greatly and don’t really feel that I have been challenged by your opinions.
    Over and out!

    • Wade Marks says:

      Homer: thanks for taking the time to reply. Here are some real facts, not just assertions of “facts.”

      Thanks to the ACA, aka “Obamacare”, 16 million have health insurance who otherwise would not. You can read some of their stories online. My own sister doesn’t have to worry about denial of health insurance due to a pre existing condition (breast cancer). Is it perfect? No, but what we had before was far from perfect. And if the Republicans were the Republicans of a few decades ago, they would work to strengthen the law not just be obstructionist. But it’s OK…Republicans felt the same way about Medicare, which is wildly popular. Ronald Reagan even labeled it as socialism and spoke out against it in his early years as a Republican.

      As to climate change the facts speak for themselves. 97% of scientists agree on the fact of anthropogenic climate change. That’s as much of a consensus as one can hope for. Have you read any of the scientific peer reviewed papers? All good science is peer reviewed, and this is where the climate change deniers fall into trouble. Their assertions do not withstand peer review. The evidence is incontrovertible at this point.

      As for the war and peace issue, why is it that every conflict becomes just like WWII? As bad as the terrorists are, they represent not even a fraction of the threat of the Nazi/Japanese Axis at that time. Why overlook all of the other conflicts since then…Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, the Cold War, etc…and why overlook the lessons of those? I say again, that even Ronald Reagan was criticized by his own party for striking key deals with the Soviets. Some even accused him of being a Neville Chamberlain. Yet he won the Cold War without even firing a shot. Certainly Bush told us that we would be committing a Neville Chamberlain if we didn’t invade Iraq, and that became a disaster. If you always borrow the WWII analogy, then that means perpetual war against all possible enemies.

      I could go on and on, but it won’t change your mind, and likewise, you will not change my mind. Abe Lincoln in his landmark second inaugural address remarked that “Both [sides] read the same Bible, and pray to the same God; and each invokes His aid against the other.” He was remarking how both sides were equally sure about how right they were, and each side felt that God was on their side. Of course both could not be correct, and we see the verdict of history.

      As I noted before, just as you see my views as corrosive to this nation, likewise I see your views as corrosive. Just like you believe your views are theologically consistent, I believe my views are theologically consistent. We both have to realize that there are others who have differing opinions on the issues, but who are just as sure as we are.

  12. Carl from Oklahoma says:


    1John 2:18:
    Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

    Nothing happening in America and the world is a surprise. John knew what the deal would be, some 2,000 years ago. It will be, sad as that is. Let us pray for the Wades of the world, that their eyes may be opened.

    We know that in the end, HE wins. That’s the part our little antichrists cannot bear!

    Hang in there, brother. Your reward awaits.

  13. Homer Fortney says:

    Finally we agree on something Wade.

  14. Both parties equally share the blame as do we who put them there. The mark of a great politician is the ability to conceal envy when accusing the opponent of screwing the public. The fact is that extreme polarization in politics has led to a vacuum of leadership and action and maybe intentionally so. (A great movie is Eddie Murphy’s “The Distinguished Gentleman” which to the uninformed is funny and tragic but to those who know it’s probably 85% spot on.) To those who complain about Obama, I point out that you can blame today’s Republican Party because it failed to offer a viable alternative. If you complain about Obamacare — and I do (it’s neither universal nor does it contain costs) — remember it was Romney’s plan. If you didn’t like George W. Bush, fair enough but instead of the best and the brightest opponent, the Democrats gave us John Kerry. In real life every day we are called upon to make decisions on a myriad of things. How successful would a business be if the decision makers only followed the advice of people they like, even if that advice was flawed? Yet in politics today it’s more a battle for conquest than for consensus. No one party or philosophy has a monopoly on good (or bad) ideas. Imagine what your marriage would be like if each person insisted that they were always right and the other partner was always wrong? We have only ourselves to blame for the politics of conquest and inaction versus conciliation and progress. We have Republicans who lament “tax and spend” liberals who ran up record defecits when they were in office and Democrats who cried out for reforms in “health care and education” who failed to do squad on either when they had the majority and could. We have a bunch of Republican candidates for president who are in essence pretty much the same guy and Democrats who cannot comprehend that the nation overall does not find same sex marriage or abortion on its list of high priorities. Neither has come up with anyone who can bring people together, As the famous Pogo line said, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

    The funny thing is that those of us who have felt disenfranchised in all of this — Main Street Republicans like me, for example — need to realize that we actually hold most of the power today. With the extreme polarization of both parties the voters “in the middle” now have the power to influence the outcome. It’s high time we use it and start holding these bobbleheads accountable.

    And faith isn’t totally divorced from the picture. Pope Francis hasn’t changed any of the Catholic church’s core teachings but his approach is one of conciliation, forgiveness and caring. With what — and approval rating of something like 92% — maybe some politicians should consider following the pope’s example.

  15. Bill Fortney says:

    Peace on earth, a Good will toward men. I’m trying to go there and stay there!

  16. John Ruth says:

    We only have ourselves to blame. The American people are too fat,dumb,and happy to see what is happening to our country. It pains me to vote the lesser of two evils but I vote ever time. Personally I think all voters should have an IQ, current events, and a history test before they are allowed to vote.
    The majority of our country are more worried about how many “likes” and selfies they have on Facebook. The powers that be, would say my opinions are elitist, racist, unfair,and un-American. It takes an exceptional body of voters to create an exceptional country, which America is sorely lacking.
    All I can say is, Jesus please save us from ourselves!

  17. Amen, John. Lately it is more like choosing the brand of razor blade to cut your throat than lesser of evils.

  18. Hi Bill, Grace and Peace be with you and your family….
    I currently reside in Cape Town, South Africa…. I started Photography about 2-3 years ago and going from strength to strength, by Gods Grace.
    From time to time I pop in to look at your Photos and I must say that I love your work….
    For some reason my eye caught this blog of yours and started out reading and so I also read some of the comments…..please forgive me but I had quit a laugh…..Thinking to myself “…and so these guys are complaining with a buttered white bread under the arm”….If you guys really want to complain come and live in South Africa for a while….it just might change your view of your own country.
    The fact of the matter is that any government that does not aknowledge GOD as in YHWH not the other god called allah is doomed to fail and to humilihated by YHWH Himself!!!
    All Glory to God in the Highest!!!